Anna 2- CHAPTER 14

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***A/N: No this song has NOTHING to do with baby #2. Please start playing it when you are asked to and it will make a lot more sense!

~May- June 2017~

Harry- 23
Anna- 23
August- 6-7 months

~May 19th, 2017 (continued)~

Anna POV:

"When did you find out?" he asked me, picking up the stick in shock.

"Three days ago. It took everything in me to keep the secret." I admit, especially because Ben and Meredith BOTH knew. Hopefully when I tell Harry the story he won't be too upset about it.

{Flashback to three days ago}

After hanging out on set with Harry for about an hour, August got restless and needed a break, plus, a noisy baby is not a great thing to have on set. Meredith and I planned to get together with the babies for lunch, so I decide to call and see if she is alright with us coming over a little earlier than planned.

I knock at the front door, and we are greeted by a happy Meredith and a very unhappy Ruby. "C'mon in. She just got up from a nap, and she is hangry" she says, rolling her eyes at me as she meets my understanding gaze. Meredith takes Ruby to the kitchen to make her a quick bottle, so I wave to Paul in the car, and close the front door before getting August out of his carseat.

By the time we get to the kitchen, Meredith has already left for another part of the house. "In here!" she yells from the media room. "I was catching up on Keeping Up with the Kardashian's."

"Traitor," I quip, but only mean it half-heartedly. Ben produces the show, and Kendall and Harry (and therefore me) are in a much better place than we were a few years back, but I still don't want to watch  that trash.

"Fine, we can watch something else," Mere gives in. She turns on some random show in the background that we don't even pay attention to because once Ruby finishes eating, we get down on the floor with the babies to play with them. "So, how are things?" she asks.

"Well, they are pure chaos, but I'm not telling you anything that you didn't already know."

"Yeah, but how is it with a baby?"

"Actually, it hasn't been that terrible, so far, but we also haven't been out on tour yet."

We spend the next hour talking about what the babies are doing before we order food in for lunch. Once we finish our lunch we lay the babies down for naps and return to our conversation, diving right in to married life after having babies. Harry and I have had a very different experience with 'getting back to things in the bedroom' than Ben and Meredith have. I know this because Harry told me about it when we were out to dinner for my birthday because Ben confided in Harry about his frustrations with their lack of intimacy post Ruby's birth. I would never tell her that Harry told me anything, but I am glad to have some sort of knowledge about Ben's feelings to have this conversation.

"I don't know. I just really don't have any interest, and I don't know what to do about it," Meredith says. "I mean it isn't like we haven't had sex, but it just isn't as frequent as it was before. I am just too damn exhausted."

"Is she still not sleeping through the night?"

"Of course not. We are up every three hours still, even though I started formula to see if that would help."

"God, I don't think I would be interested in sex either if I was up every three hours at night, " I agree, but then add, "maybe you should have the nanny do a night shift or two, so that you and Ben can get some decent sleep and have some uninterrupted time together."

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