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~January- February, 2014~
Anna- 19
Harry- 19/20

Harry POV:

After the Jason incident, and me acting like a jealous ass, the end of the New York visit was awkward. I had to fly out Saturday afternoon, so that left me very little time to try and crawl my way back into Anna's good graces. Her telling me this was just a taste of what it is like to date me, just made me feel even more like an ass.

I was in L.A. the end of November, and she flew in the week after I left to go back to London. Before I knew it, it was Christmastime. We texted and FaceTimed a few times while she was in L.A., but she felt distant to me. For the first time, I really believed that space was probably what was best, especially considering I had no idea where she was with therapy and how my little outburst in New York had effected what she was working on.

For the first time, in the past three or four years, I was spending almost a full week for Christmas in Holmes Chapel with my family. Anna was going to be in Norway with her Mom, Sofie, Oma, Papa and Gram. I really wanted to see her, but also knew that I needed to give her space. So, I had to settle for FaceTiming with her  on Christmas Day.


"Harry!!" Anna and Sofie shout into the screen as they answer my FaceTime request, sitting in front of the fire at her Oma and Papa's house. "Give me a sec, Harry," Anna answers as she excuses herself from the part of the house full of people and finds a quiet place for us to talk.

"Merry Christmas," she beams, before I can even say anything.

"Happy Christmas, my sweet Anna."

"Were you a good boy? Did Santa bring you everything you wanted?" she asks.

"Not everything," I answer, because the one thing I want is currently sitting in Norway. "But, yes, Christmas has been wonderful here."

"Here, too," she adds," though I am ready for the L.A. weather, again."

"You're headed back to L.A.?" I ask, having never talked about where she was headed after winter vacation.

"Yeah, in New York for three weeks, then L.A. for two or three weeks, then I'll be back in New York for most of the spring," she answers with her face falling.

"Oh, shoot, Is that a problem? I didn't think to tell you in advance, but you probably need to let people know about the flat in New York, if I'm gone, don't you," she says, placing her hand over her mouth, looking like she is in trouble

"Its not a big deal, Anna. I will let them know." I say, calming her nerves.

"I will actually be in L.A. the beginning of February before I fly to Orlando to film for a few days," I say, hoping that the time we will be in L.A. will overlap. "When will you be there?"

"I'll be there the 25th of January. I have to be back in New York on February 17th, so I will probably fly back the 15th or 16th of February."

"I will be there starting February 3rd," I tell her.

"You won't be in L.A. for your birthday? Are you celebrating in London?"

"No, I'm actually celebrating in Holmes Chapel," I tell her, knowing it will be a lot of the friends we grew up with at the party, but also knowing that with her work schedule, it'd be near impossible for her to fly to Holmes Chapel for just one day.

I finally concede, "We can celebrate together in L.A. after my birthday."

"Deal!" she says, happily, clearly having been trying to figure out how she was going to make it all work.

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