Anna 2- CHAPTER 40

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~ June 9th- 10th, 2019~

Harry- 25
Anna- 25
August- 2.5
Robin- 18 months
Florence- Happy Birthday!!!

~ June 9th, 2019: 2:36 am~

Anna POV:

Less than twenty minutes after we are situated in our room, there's a knock at my door and my favorite person in all of the universe, at least for today, walks in. "Hi, Mrs. Styles, I am Dr. Mendoza, and I will be administering your epidural."

"Bring it on!." I tell him and Harry laughs from his chair next to my bed. He talks me through how he is going to give me the medicine that will hopefully make me forget all about Robin's birth and live in the present with this one. It's much easier than I remember from the one I got with August, and as Dr. Singh enters our room to check me, the medicine is already starting to kick in. I am actually happy to be in labor.

"Hello, you two. I am sorry I have been a little busy."

"No problem," Harry says, standing up to shake her hand before returning to sit in next to me.

"You came in at 6cm. Let's see what kind of progress you have made. That will give us a better idea of what kind of time frame this baby is planning to join us under." Dr. Singh moves to the side of the room to grab some gloves before returning to my bedside. "You know the drill."

I laugh and scoot my body down the bed and she does her thing, there is pressure but it's not painful in the least. I am here for epidurals. Give me ALL the medicine. "You are 7cm and fully effaced. I'd say that you should make some calls if there is anyone that you would like to have here for the birth. They do not have a ton of time to get here."

"It's just us for the delivery," Harry answers. He already texted ours moms, and they are going to call the necessary people, giving us the luxury of all the focus being on Florence today. That's one of the benefits of having done this twice before. We are better at delegating people to make all the phone calls that you make when you have your first child, not realizing how much time it was going to take away from actually enjoying it all. Thankfully, August and Robin were already covered, childcare-wise, all weekend because we were supposed to be at Jeff and Glenne's.

"I bet we will meet this little one before the sun rises." She stands up and turns back at the doorway to add, "I'd suggest that you rest while you can. I don't need to tell you that things get more challenging at the end."

"Sunrise is in like three hours." Harry says with wide eyes.

"Exactly." Dr. Singh replies and Harry and I share a look. I'm not ready, but then again I am.

~3:25 am~

Harry POV:

I may or may not have had strong words with the medical director at Cedars-Sinai discussing that Anna will not be at the bottom of the list when it comes to getting an epidural this time around. That same conversation may or may not have lead to me offering to pay an additional nurse anesthetist to be on staff until after she delivers. That investment is worth every penny I spent because my sweet Anna is resting comfortably while her body works through the end stages of labor which is a stark difference from her last delivery.

"Darling, can I get you anything?"

"More ice?" she asks, her voice soft and her features relaxed. This is something that I'm not used to at the end of pregnancy. By now, in all her previous pregnancies, the fact that she was beyond done would've brought out her feisty alter-ego and I'd be busy trying to stay out of the line of fire, or not laugh at her. Not this time around, though. "Do you think she is going to be super small? I mean, she is almost three weeks early," she interrupts my thoughts with.

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