Anna 2- CHAPTER 58

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***A/N: This chapter is going to be... You know what, I will just let you read it, but know that I want to hear your thoughts once you do.

~ Winter 2022 ~

Harry- 28/29
Anna- 28
August- 6
Robin- 5!
Florence- 3
Hazel and Milo- 2

~ December 2022 ~

(Posted in November)

~ December 13th, 2022 ~

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~ December 13th, 2022 ~

Anna POV:

"You cannot wear a swimsuit on the plane, Robin. It's freezing outside."

"Duh," she says in the most sassy almost five-year-old voice that I have ever heard. "I'll wear a coat. And the plane is warm."

"Robin Madeline! I am not asking again," I yell as I leave her room. "Change your clothes or I'm leaving you home."

"I've seen Home Alone. I'd survive," she yells angrily from her room before the door slams shut. I stand in the hallway and tip my head back, taking in deep calming breaths because as much as I want to scream back at her right now the fight is what she is looking for. I'm not feeding that monster this morning. Not when we have a flight to catch in a few hours and there's still packing to do.

Harry comes out into the hallway, having heard the dust up and slammed door, giving me a questioning look and I just tip my head down and groan into the air. I run my hands over my face and peek out through my spread fingers. "She might be wearing a bikini to fly to Norway." Harry just starts to hysterically laugh and it makes me want to deck him. "Yeah. It's super funny when you're not the one she's doing it in spite of."

"You shouldn't have told her 'no'. Or you should've said we were all flying in them, then she definitely would have put on a snowsuit." He's not wrong. I'm still dialing in how to negotiate with her. Reverse phycology is a real thing, until she figures out that's my angle, then I'll be back to square one. One thing is for sure, if I tell her she can't she will always be hell bent to prove that she can, and will.

"I'll trade with you. I'll go and deal with her, and you get the twins organized." I roll my eyes because that isn't much better. The only reason he is trading with me is because he knows that Robin and I will end in a throw down where I pin her down and dress her in winter appropriate clothing and he isn't in the mood for her to be in a pissy mood before we even leave the house. That and Hazel likes to push his buttons.

"Hazel Bazel, do you have all your things packed?" I ask as I walk over to her overstuffed backpack while she proudly smiles. "Oh, baby girl. You can't put Ellie in the bottom of your bag or you won't have room for anything else," I tell her pulling the giant elephant out of the bag. She screams at first, until I explain to her that Ellie is still coming along, but she gets to sit in her own seat on the plane instead of ride in the backpack. Thankfully Tulip doesn't eat stuffed animals.

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