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~July 17th, 2014~

Anna- 20
Harry- 20
Sofie- 18

Anna POV:

I woke up way too early on Thursday morning. After the night we had, and the conversations we had, my mind was thinking about one thing. The man who flew to London on the same plane as me. The man who's still the subject of all my dreams. The man who I can't get out of my mind, even when I am with another man. The man that I still love, despite trying damn hard not to.

Sofie is going to be spending the day with some friends in London, so I am going to be on my own all day. Great. Just what I need- a day alone with my thoughts.

I definitely need a run this morning. I don't even attempt to look cute as I pull my hair back and put on my mis-matched workout clothes. My headphones silence the outside noise as I dial in my best running playlist, weaving my way through the streets of my favorite part of London. My feet hit the pavement with a new heaviness, but I push on.

It is hot London morning, and even at this early hour, you can feel the thickness of the humidity hanging in the air. There is sweat dripping down my face and onto my tank top. I stop on a street corner, about halfway through my run, to catch my breath and grab a second bottle of water from the shop there.

I pay the cashier and exit the store, only to look across the street and see a three-story poster of Harry plastered on the side of a building. All morning, I'd been running with such tunnel vision that I hadn't looked up once to see the disgusting amount of posters and general One Direction vomit that was surrounding me.

I double down and finish the second half of my run in record time, putting the blinders back on and willing my lungs to stop constricting in a mix of fatigue and anxiety. In the lobby, I stop in front of the elevator and press the button like an impatient toddler. Believing that hitting it more than once will surely make the elevator come faster.

Back in the room, I strip my clothes off, getting anything restricting off of my chest. I jump into a cold shower in hopes that the frigid water will shock my system back to a normal rhythm, but all my attempts fail.

Once out of the shower, I hastily get dressed, throwing on a comfortable outfit and twisting my hair into a messy wet braid. I text Sofie to tell her that I'm going to take the car, since she is with friends all day, anyways. I don't know where exactly I am going to go, but I know that I need to get out of London and all the memories that this city holds.

Harry POV:

Two days after I landed in London I decide that I have to get away. I can't be in the house, but I don't want to go out either. Knowing that she is in the same city as me is messing with my head, and I can't stay and risk running into her. I promised Maddie I'd stay away and I have no idea what I would even say if I did see her. The conversations I've had with the boys solidified one thing for me; that I have no right to contact her, in any way, before October, when I'm the one who told her to leave me alone.

I unlock my work phone, pulling up my schedule to see that I only have a couple things dotted throughout my week as commitments here in London. Some of those were meals with friends that I easily reschedule, and most of the other stuff could be moved to another date.

I hadn't planned to go see mum and Robin until next Monday. I was only going to be there for a few days, but my plans changed after my conversation with Niall sparked something. Anna being in London and my house closing in around me didn't help, either.

I call mum to tell her that I am thinking about coming to Holmes Chapel sooner than I thought. She's absolutely thrilled and I begin to grow excited to have some real time away from everything.

Anna || HSOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara