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~November 2015 to December 2015~

Anna- 21

~November 21st, 2015~

Anna POV:

The night we got engaged, after christening the living room, and kitchen countertop (the waterfall one that I knew he would love) Harry called and asked his mom, Robin and Gemma to meet us at the house for a late-night drink.

At 9:15pm, they pull up in the driveway, and we stand at the doorway, giddy. "Hello, loves," Anne smiles and hugs us both together. We both hug Robin and Gemma, as well, before Harry ushers them inside. I stick my hands in the pockets of my jeans to keep the secret just a little bit longer, following the trio into the kitchen.

"So, you wanted a late night drink with us, huh?" Gemma says suspiciously.

"Yeah. We were out for dinner and didn't get home until a little bit ago. I thought since all three of my favorite people were in town, we should not waste the opportunity to be together," Harry tries to appease Gemma.

"Plus you won't see much of me tomorrow," he adds, knowing that with the awards show Anne, Gemma and I will get to spend the day together, but he will be with the boys.

"So," Anne says as she corks the wine and starts to pour our glasses, "What shall we toast to?"

"I don't know?" Harry says sarcastically, nodding for me to take my left hand and grab a glass of wine. As I reach for the glass, Gemma is the first to notice.

"OH. MY. GOD!! I KNEW IT!!!!" she screams. Before Robin or Anne have a chance to figure out what is going on, she tackles her brother in a hug while also punching him in the arm for not telling her before hand. Anne is still looking at Harry, unsure of what has come over Gemma until Gemma points at my hand.

"Mum, LOOK!"

"Oh my, Harry!! Anna!!" she gushes as her eyes grow wide with surprise and tears. "Are you really...?" she asks, not able to finish her thought as she reaches out for my hand, looking at the ring with a gleam in her eyes, her heart smiling right through her green irises.

"Yeah, I proposed earlier tonight."

"Oh, darlings. I am so unbelievably happy for you both"

"Anna, we are so glad to finally have you become an official member of the family," Robin adds, the lot of us all hugging together, around the blue stone on Anna's left hand.

"So, tell me how it happened?" Anne asks, and we tell her the story of the actual proposal, then Harry tells her the story of his trip to South Carolina with my family. A story that I hadn't even heard until he told them. He mentioned a letter from my dad, and when he did my eyes gave away my desire to read it, and he whispered that I could read it later.

We finish the night answering all the questions we can about out the wedding. "There was no point to wait for any of this," Harry says to his mum. "We know what we want and it took us long enough to get here as it is."

"We already have a date," I add. "The wedding is April 2nd, 2016 in South Carolina. We'll be having a reception in London, as well, some time in May, but we haven't chosen a venue for that just yet."

"Oh, my. So, the planning has begun?"

"Just that one detail," Harry defends. "Don't worry, there is plenty for us to discuss when we are in Holmes Chapel for Christmas."

After another hour of chatting, and celebrating, Harry offers the guest rooms to his family and they turn down his offer, Gemma telling us all that the last thing a newly engaged couple needs is a house full of guests. At least she gets it.

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