Anna 2- CHAPTER 42

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~June to October, 2019~

Harry- 25
Anna- 25
August- 2.5
Robin- 18-22 months
Florence- 1-4 months

~June 2019~

Anna POV:

Florence is two weeks old today. I know we're still in the thick of the honeymoon phase with her, but she has been the sweetest and most chill baby since we brought her home. She's already such a good sleeper and any new parent can tell you that getting enough sleep is directly related to how fast you return to feeling human again.

Her siblings have also settled in to their new roles almost as easily as we have. When August met her, he was sort of like, 'another sister? I got this'. He's so good with Robin, so I wasn't all that concerned about him accepting another sibling, especially another sister. Robin, on the other hand, likes to be the center of attention. Bringing home a baby sister meant that she was no longer the baby sister. I'm not sure she's old enough to know that she was just dethroned, but she'll probably pick up on it soon. Thankfully, Florence doesn't seem all that interested in fighting her sister for the title of most dramatic, which is wonderful because one Robin is more than enough for this family.

Maddie is coming over today to spend the day. She has only met Florence over FaceTime because they were on a trip when she was born. Robin just got a spot at preschool after being on the waiting list since we found out we were expecting Florence. Now, Elle, Robin and August all attend the same preschool, which means that this morning they are all busy learning and while Maddie and me hang with the babies.

"Come in," I yell as Maddie rings the doorbell.

"We're here. One of us is really crabby, but we're here and we're even are on time," Maddie says, annoyed, as I descend the stairs holding Florence. "I hate you, you skinny bitch!"

"Thanks?" I ask in a questioning tone, "I guess." We meet at the bottom of the stairs and she pulls me into her arms. She hugs me so tight that Florence's body is slightly squeezed between us, but she is not the one to protest. That would be Easton's job. Easton is Maddie's surprise son, who is usually such a calm and happy baby, but right now he is teething and letting us know that his mouth hurts and he's pissed to still be restrained in his carseat.

"Dude," Maddie says as she bends down to him. "I am right here. I was busy meeting your future wife," she deadpans and adds, "and she is not impressed by your attitude."

"She isn't impressed by much of anything," I tell her.

"She seems so..."

"Harry. In female form?" I say.

"Yes, but I was going to say she reminds me of Anne." As Maddie says those words, I cannot untether thinking of her every time I look at Florence. She is totally Harry's mom in infant form. "Seriously. By the time she is able to talk, I bet she will be giving us all better parenting advice than even Mama Anne herself," Maddie says as she takes my daughters hand in hers. "Isn't that right little miss Florence. Miss Flo."

"No, Madds. That is not going to be her nickname."

"It's hilarious that you think you have any say in what I give your child for a nickname," says the woman who gave August the nickname Auggie, which he prefers to go by at preschool. I shake my head and give in, knowing that it isn't even worth the fight. We sit with crabby pants and Miss Flo until they are tired enough to be put down for naps. Easton borrows Robin's crib and we pull up the babies on the monitors as I take things out of the fridge to make us lunch.

"So, Harry was telling me about Patrick?" she says, but it sounds more like a question. I know my husband spoke with her about what happened because he told me that he did. He also told Maddie that I'm not interested in talking about Patrick, or the case, but Maddie is terrible at listening. That, or she believes that she is going to be able to get it out of me when Harry couldn't.

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