Anna 2- CHAPTER 53

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*** A/N: Don't forget, Anna 2 has an INSTAGRAM account where I post TONS of photos of the kids, etc

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*** A/N: Don't forget, Anna 2 has an INSTAGRAM account where I post TONS of photos of the kids, etc... visit:

~Fall 2021~

Harry- 27
Anna- 27
August- 5!
Robin- 3
Florence- 2
Hazel and Milo-14-16 Months

~September 2021~

Anna POV:

We've decided to have the kids go to school in America this year, in Los Angeles. Harry has so much to do in regards to his album, or albums, and he says he wants to finish at least the first one in L.A.

The next week will be a busy one for so many reasons; meetings with Jeff about album release timing, meetings with Ryan about re-joining the L.A. branch of AR Harris/Bumble, instead of the London branch as we had planned, and meetings with new teachers at the school that we are enrolling the kids in this year.

Ben and Meredith are going to be back in L.A. to film the Late Late Show, so the girls will be attending school here, as well. Maddie's kids attend the same school as Grace and Ruby, so I'm hoping that the presence of familiar faces will help with the adjustment to a new place. I'm not worried about Robin, or Florence, as they will be in the two's and three's classes, but August will be in PreK with a bunch of kids who have been in class together before, which could possibly make the transition a little more challenging.

In an attempt to get August excited for school, his first "big kid" school experience in America, Harry and I decide to take him back to school shopping. We drove to a local Target, taking Tony with us, but leaving him in the parking lot, hoping to just go in and fulfill the supplies on his list and not cause too much of a scene. Unfortunately, upon arriving in the school supplies, a group of girls immediately notice Harry, so August and I b-line for a different part of the school supplies and I try to distract him from it all by having him pick out dry-erase markers and glue sticks, but as the noise a couple aisles over intensifies, I realize the trip is over. I don't even have to tell Auggie what we're doing as we leave the store, and I think that's the saddest part of it all. He knows. His face fell as soon as I pulled him away from his dad and he has been closed off ever since.

I pick up the phone and call Tony to tell him to come in. Then, I text Harry to let him know that August and I are on our way out to wait in the car.


Anna: I called Tony. He's coming in.

Anna: We are on our way to the car. Auggie is upset.


"I'm so sorry, bubbs."

"I knew this was going to happen. In California this is what happens. Anytime we go anywhere with daddy he has to stop and take pictures and sign things, or people yell at him." My heart breaks as he, at almost five, has already figured out the disappointing reality of being a member of Harry Styles family when you want to try and be 'normal' and do things like go school supply shopping. I guess that's why they give parents an option to just have the supplies there on the first day of school, no shopping necessary.

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