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***A/N- Another sprinkle of smut for Harry and Anna ☺️ There will be more. A lot more, I promise.

~April 12th & 13th, 2010~

Anna- 16
Harry- 16

Harry POV:

I sit up in my room, two hours after leaving Anna with my gift, feeling like I am going to throw up. I'm sweating and unable to sleep; thinking about if she has opened it yet. If she has, why hasn't she said anything? Maybe she's still reading? Maybe she read it, but doesn't know what to say? Maybe she doesn't like what I had to say? Fucking Hell. I need to get out of here!

I practically run out my bedroom door, down the stairs and into the night of the back garden.

That is when I see her.

Anna is sitting in the field behind the gardens in the back of our houses. Her shoulders wrapped in the yellow quilt off of her bed. She is facing away from me, illuminated by the moonlight above, beautifully still.

I decide to sit on my back steps and observe her before making a decision on my next move. Her head is slightly tipped down, blonde curls trailing over her shoulders. It seems like she is upset, and I can now see that she is holding something in her hands.

Shit. Is it my journal?

Anna POV:

I hear a rustling behind me in the grass, and I ignore it. I really don't care who or what is there. The events of last couple hours have left my heart aching in ways I didn't know possible.

After opening the mystery envelope, my world fell void of oxygen. I couldn't get a deep enough breath to fill my now empty lungs. Everything burned. Everything was closing in, so I grabbed the gifts and ran outside in a tank top, underwear and my quilt.

Now, here I sit, re-reading the contents of the envelope over and over.


I wrote a few letters, in case the day came that I was unable to keep my promise to come home to you. If you are reading this, that means it is your 16th birthday today, my Annabear. I wish with my entire being that I could be there to celebrate with you. These are the words I would've spoken over you today.

My Anna- You are the sweetest gift this life has given me. You are a bright young thing with the whole world in front of you.

Go everywhere. Take all of the adventures life hands you, even if they scare you. Be brave and strong, Be sure to keep your eyes, ears and heart wide open,

Look for the goodness all around you- I promise it is there. And when you feel small in this great big world, be still. Think of your beautiful roots, that run deep from the people who have loved you along the way, including your mom and me.

Always remember that you are so loved. I am so blessed that you are one of three women on this planet who stole my entire heart.

Still loving you from afar, 


Was this a sick joke? Did mom write this letter for me? It'd already been an emotional enough evening after opening Harry's gift.

Harry gave me a journal. Actually, it was the journal I gave him for his fifteenth birthday. Little did I know, all this time he has been writing in it about me. Seems he too has feelings for me that go deeper than a friendship.

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