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~June 18th, 2014~

Anna- 20
Harry- 20
Jason- 26

Anna POV:

Jason and Blake came out with Bryce to meet us. Alli and I had already been at the bar for happy hour, and by the time they arrived, we were well on our way to a happily drunken state, washing away the craziness of the day.

"Jason!!" I screamed when he walked in, and I greeted him with an overly friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek that probably lasted a little bit too long, if I am being honest.

"It's nice to see you, too, Anna." He said, upping the ante and placing a soft pack on my lips, pulling back with a questioning look. "Is that OK?" he whispers to me and I nod, grabbing his face to hold him still and return his peck with one of my own.

The boys start to down their own drinks, taking two shots for every one that we do, in an attempt to catch up. The evening is going well, and at bar close, we decide we still want to hang out.

So, we get a cab and end up back at Alli and my's place. We struggle with the keys to unlock the door before Jason steps in to save the day. Alli barely makes it inside the front door, and starts to take off her clothes. Bryce follows her straight to her room and within minutes you can hear them going at it through the thin walls of our apartment.

Jason, Blake and I attempt to talk, ignoring the moaning as we try and figure out what to do ourselves. Eventually, the awkwardness sets in, signaling that we are all sobering up a little bit, so I know we really only have two choices. "Shall we drink more or go to sleep?" I say, and Jason offers, "what about a third option?" with a devilish smile. I think back to the advice of my friends, and the fact that Harry wants nothing to do with me right now. Fuck it. I stand, holding my hand out for Jason to join me, pulling him off the couch and leading him towards my room. He tries to fake that he is tired, yawing and pretending to be sleepy, saying how much he couldn't wait to fall asleep in my bed.

I get to my door and stop him from entering, while calling his bluff. "Fine, my fingers will do the same job if you don't want to take it." With that Jason crashes in, wrapping himself around me. Blake calls from the couch, where he has reached for the remote to change the channel. "Don't worry about me. I'll just sit here listening to all of you have sex". I see Jason send Blake a glare, and he gives an apologetic look back to us both.

"Anna, we really don't have to do anything, if you don't want to," Jason says honestly as he embraces me, leaning us against my doorframe.

"Oh, Jason, you know damn well that I am not bringing you back to my room for us to go to sleep," I say, then I look back towards a lonely Blake. "Actually..." I say, pausing, "don't immediately say no, OK?"

"To what?" Jason questions me.

I push myself against Jason's front and place a wet kiss on his lips. "How would you feel about asking Blake to join us?" I whisper, so Blake can't hear, while I rub my hand up
and down Jason's excited member through his jeans. I experimented a bit with Antonin, but it never got to a full-on threesome. To be honest, I was ready to start testing out different flavors, and maybe, just maybe, I wanted two flavors at once?

Jason chokes on his own spit. "Ummm, as in like you, me and Blake together? At the same time?"

I nod my head and tug his shirt collar with my hands, pulling his face into mine again. I start to walk us backwards down the hallway, pulling Jason back to where Blake is sitting.

"I think it will be fun, plus I promise to make it up to you.  Just you and me, another night." I say as I tease, nipping at his ear lobe. "He just looks so lonely, and I have always wanted to have a threesome." I whisper to him. "Please!" I beg.

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