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****A/N- Here is your warning for the trip- THERE WILL BE SMUT. Each day  on the island will have its own post, so the warning goes for Chapters 28 through Chapter 33.

Grab some popcorn, find a place you can be alone 😏 and Enjoy!

~Day 1: August 12th, 2013~

Anna POV:

I land on a rainy day in paradise. Harry and I plan to meet at the boatman launch in Tortola, to take a private boat to Guana Island. He assures me that he rented out a 'portion of the resort' and nobody is allowed on the island, or in its surrounding waters, that isn't staying as a guest, or working on, the island. We will have plenty of privacy and I am excited to just be with Harry without worrying about what photos, or stories, are going to get out about our trip.

When I arrive at the baggage claim area, Paul finds me right away. "Anna!", he yells, engulfing me in a hug. "Harry is already at the boat. I just came to help you with your luggage." I hug him back and walk with him over to the roundabout, pointing out my luggage, and he grabs both pieces and guides me through an exit, where we don't come across anyone other than employees of the airport. We make our way to a boat with two men waiting, one being the green-eyed man I couldn't wait to spend the next five days with.

"Hello, Mr. Styles," I say as I step onto the boat, being helped onboard by the very professional captain, who reached his hand out for me. "My, sweet Anna!" Harry beams at me, getting up from his seat to wrap me in his warm arms. He is dressed in a tropical shirt and linen shorts, wearing sunglasses and a bandana in his hair. "How was your flight?" He softly asks, as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ears, looking intently at my face.

"Uneventful. I slept most of the way," I say nervously, as he releases me from his embrace, but wraps around me from behind, aiming me towards the view. "So, what do you think?" he asks. "This rain is amazing," I say as I hold my hand out from under the canopy covering the boat. The rain is magical. It is a warm, tropical rain, and it makes the most incredible sound as it falls over the clear blue water surrounding the boat. He rests his chin on my shoulder, watching as we pull away from the dock headed towards Guana, and he whispers, "I really missed you."

Once we arrive, we quickly leave the boat and make our way to the villa on a gulf cart. The rain is relentless, and we have to walk for the last portion of our trip. Harry notices me struggling in my slippery sandals, so he grabs my hand, with a huge smile as his brown curls fall sloppily, dripping down his face. We are completely soaked as we continue along the path, laughing at how drenched we both are. Paul and our concierge, Julian, rush ahead of us to our villa.

"I am so sorry that we forgot the umbrella's, Mr. Styles," Julian says apologetically for the third time. Paul hastily opens the door, dropping the luggage right inside the door, before closing it and leaving, posting himself outside the villa under an awning.

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