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~September- November 2013
Anna- 19
Harry- 19

~September 2013~

Anna POV:

After Labor Day weekend in South Carolina, Sofie flew back to New York to officially start school. I stayed behind, since my internship didn't start until later in the month. I relished in the few weeks I had to take a breather, pack and get mentally prepared for my next life adventure in New York.

I left a suitcase full of clothes in New York at Harry's when I was there last month, so now I was getting the rest of the things I would need packed. Alli and I had done some serious damage shopping for our new 'business attire' a few days ago, so now I felt like I actually had clothes to look the part, even if I felt completely out of place in every other way.

I spent a lot of time texting Harry, asking if he had random things at his flat like a blow dryer or a clothes iron. He always replied 'yes', and it made me question if he actually had those things, or was simply sending someone to purchase whatever I asked for. Either way, it meant that I have less to pack and less to move, so that was a giant plus in my book.

A little after 10am, I hear the phone ringing from across the room, and I zip up my bag before I trip over things on the floor to get to my phone; reaching it just in time to answer it.


"Good morning!" Harry beams.

"Good morning, Harry."

"What time is your flight tomorrow? I'm going to set up a car to come and get you from the airport." I roll my eyes at his offer, even though I know he can't see my annoyance through the phone.

"You don't have to do that," I scold, holding my hand up to my forehead.

"Anna, how many times do I have to tell you that I pay for the service whether I use it or not, so please use the car service while you're there," he reminds me in a serious tone with a just a hint of whiny Harry.

"Alright, but you are going to have to leave some details for how I do that exactly. I can just see it now- me trying to call someone, telling them that Harry Styles told me you would bring me places."

He chuckles on the other end of the line, "I'll send you an email with everything. You can use it to get to work, or whatever you need-"

I interrupt "- I'm not going to do that, I can take the subway, Harry."

I hear him sigh in annoyance on the other end of the line. "Just promise if you're running late, or out late by yourself, that you'll call the car service?" he asks, and this time I can tell he's not annoyed, he's concerned.

I give in, "fine, I promise."

Harry lets out another sigh, like he's glad that I am finally agreeing to let him do the things for me that he can while he is away. "Onto the question I actually called about. Can you send me a grocery list?"

"Why? Can't you pick out your own food?" I ask him sarcastically as I sit on the floor collecting all of the items strewn around me on the floor, packing my last bag.

"No, sassy, it's not for me. It's for you. My PA is going to be there getting some other things sorted out for you this afternoon, so she'll grab them and drop them off when she comes," he tells me and I start to get really anxious.

"NO YOU ARE NOT! I can go tomorrow when I get up," I scold him, again, standing up and hauling another bag over to the luggage mountain by my door.

Harry replies, arrogantly, "oh, my sweet Anna, I am ordering them. So, you decide if you want the kitchen full of food that I like to eat, or food that you like to eat."

Anna || HSWhere stories live. Discover now