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****A/N: Smutty smut! Remember, they are young here, so this smut will be different than later in the book when they have more....experience 😏 Enjoy!

~ November 6th, 2010~

Anna- 16
Harry- 16

Anna POV:

We decided on the fifth Live Show, on November 7th, when I had a break from school for a few days and it was not going to effect any final exams. I'd fly out the day before the filming and stay for a day after.

What we hadn't planned on was the absolute shit-show that would become Harry being in a 'boyband' on a popular reality TV show. They weren't even an 'official boyband' yet, but they had fans, and LOADS of them. They started being followed everywhere they went. Harry would go back and forth between loving the attention and hating the loss of his anonymity.

Antonin and Mia were constantly making fun of me about my little conversations with Harry throughout the day. They said I would get a giddy smile anytime my phone buzzed through with a message from him, even the most mundane of messages got me excited. They were also privy to many conversations that took me away from them and back to my bedroom to be with Harry.

I talked to Harry for forty-five minutes the day before I flew out, which was the longest conversation we've had in over two weeks. Between rehearsals, press, staging, interviews and meetings at the contestants house and just being a sixteen-year-old in the middle of all of this, he had very little time to chat like we used to. But, during this call, he asked me, point blank, a very important question.

"Anna, when you come to the X-Factor taping, what do I call you?" He asked. Wanting to put a label on our 'no labels' relationship.

"Why?" I said. "I thought we weren't going to label anything."

"I know, but when the boys asked me about the girl coming to the show, that I talk about all the time, they assumed you were my girlfriend." He admitted, "I didn't know what to tell them because you aren't my girlfriend, but you aren't just my friend, are you, Anna?"

"No... I guess not. So, are we doing the label thing? How is that going to go now that you are a famous rock star?" I joked in an elitist tone.

"Well, you did tell me you would do something for me once I was a famous rock star, if I remember correctly," he said, "Plus, my GIRLFRIEND would definitely be down to have some fun when she comes to visit me in London, right?" He asked me, hopefully.

"She would be down for that." I laughed and agreed.

"Really!!? Anna, Are you saying you're OK with the label?" I could hear his smile through the phone.

"Yes. I'm very much OK with the label" I replied, actually relieved that this conversation was happening, because there was nothing about the last couple months that made me think of him as anything other than my boyfriend.

So, now I am Harry's girlfriend.

Going to see him at the taping of X-Factor, in London.

What is happening to my life?

~November 6th, 2010: Morning~

Anna POV:

I land in London at 10am on November 6th, the day before the live show. Harry told me that they were sending a car to pick me up, since he had rehearsals most of the morning and afternoon.

Sure enough, I step up to baggage claim, and a person with a sign labeled  'Anna Campbell' was standing there, waiting for me to grab my bag. Once I have the leopard print luggage securely in my grip, the gentleman grabs the bag from me and leads me out to a waiting black car with darkly tinted windows. He stands tall, holding the back door open for me.

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