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~October 2014~

Anna- 20
Harry- 20

~October 8th, 2014~

Anna POV:

It has been a couple months since I returned from my trip to Portugal and London. I had somewhat expected to hear from Harry after he made it clear that he knew of my travel plans, but I never did.

One thing that did change after the trip was that the unexpected (Harry-driven) changes to the L.A. house suddenly ceased. I know Maddie probably had something to do with it, but I honestly couldn't have cared less why it stopped, I was just glad that it did. I finally started to look like I knew what I was doing at work, and I was able to show my abilities once I stopped having whiplash from the plans changing from one day to the next.

"Anna, did you give the landscapers the final layout that we planned with Avery?"

"Yes. I have a copy, though," I say, holding up my finger telling her to wait a minute, while I dig through the pile on my desk. "right..." I keep digging, "HERE!"

I hand her a duplicate of the document and pick up the phone that has been ringing in my office almost non-stop.


"Anna Campbell," I answer line one, while line two blinks angrily back at me. Harry's house is supposed to be finished in just under a month and it is crunch time.

"Miss Campbell, this is Ellis with France & Son. We're going to be able to deliver the last pieces this afternoon. You had mentioned you wanted to be there for placement."


"Would 3pm work for you?"

I quickly check my schedule on my lap top and I confirm that I'll be there, or I will send Alli.

I hung up line one to see that my assistant has picked up line two.


In case you couldn't tell, it has been a crazy couple of months, as far as work is concerned. With this not being my only project, I work quite a few fourteen-hour days, and working on Saturday has also become the norm for me. Jason isn't always thrilled about my schedule, but he is busy working on his album, too. Thankfully, my work hours almost never take me away from being able to watch him perform live with his band, which supportive rockstar girlfriends tend to do.

Jason and I became an 'official couple' shortly after I arrived back from the trip. I know it probably sounds like I'm out of my mind but I honestly think that entering fully into a relationship with him is what I need right now. It is high time I stop letting the idea of Harry keep me from living my reality with Jason.

I've also been honest with him from the start. Jason knows we are going to move slow, and that I have a lot of baggage, but he is still completely on board with giving us a try.

Jason's name pops up on the screen. I click the answer button on my Range Rover, which I finally had brought in from South Carolina, and his deep voice fills my car.


"Hey, sweetheart. Do you have time for a late lunch?"

"I wish. I'm on my way to Harry's to meet some deliveries and sign off on a couple things with the contractor."

"Have you eaten? I know you didn't take anything when you left my place this morning."

I know exactly why I didn't eat this morning, because someone was being handsy, or maybe more mouthsy, with me in bed for too long. "Gee, I wonder why I didn't do that? Maybe because someone almost made me late for my meeting?

Anna || HSWhere stories live. Discover now