Anna 2- CHAPTER 52

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~Summer 2021~

Harry- 27
Anna- 27
August- 4
Robin- 3
Florence- 2!
Hazel and Milo-11-13 Months

~June 2021~

Anna POV:

The filming of My Policeman is well underway, as in they are already a little over halfway done with it. Harry's filming schedule has recently become pretty chaotic and there have been quite a few more long days where he leaves before the kids are up for the day and gets home after they're asleep. With the kids out of school for the summer, and Marit and Viv home for the next month for their sisters wedding, I am flying solo (with a little help from Tony) until my mom gets here next week. This means that I have tons of playdates scheduled with our people to try and keep my tribe busy, and my mind from going crazy like it wants to. Lucky for us, Ben and Meredith are back for the summer to stay in London. So, today we are headed over to their house to play with Ruby and Grace.

"Miss Florence, can you please pick up your shoes and bring them to mommy so that I can help you get them on?" I tell my most obedient child as her older sister pouts form the stairs trying to get her own shoes on because she refuses my help. August, my caretaker, is corralling the twins and attempting to get their sandals on their moving feet with Papa Tony's help. Yes, he is now called Papa Tony, thanks to Miss Flo. He and Florence have a special bond, I think because she is typically the one who just sits patiently and waits for the rest of us to pull our shit together and Tony, or Paul, is usually right next to her waiting on us.

Even though Patrick is no longer a concern, Harry and the team have decided that our children, at this high point in his career, are too big of a target. We've made it a rule that unless he and I are both out with them, I need to have security with me, or he needs to have security with him, when it's five against one in a public setting. This can be security, or the nannies or friends or family, but two sets of eyes are necessary. Plus, all of our children are of an age where they run in opposite directions, especially the twins now that they are getting more mobile.

"Milo, please sit still," I hear August gently scold. His little brother gives him apologetic eyes and sits like a frozen toy soldier while August helps him slip on his sandals. Meanwhile, Haze, who was our earliest walker at ten months, is running through the kitchen with both of her shoes in her hands, playing keep away from me as Florence and Papa Tony try to hide the fact that they are laughing from the stairs.

"Gotcha!" I say as I pick up and tickle a wiggly Hazel, shoving her feet into her shoes as we leave the house. "Everybody out!" I say as I hold the door open with my squirming daughter hanging horizontally at my side. Robin walks out first, proudly grinning with her shoes on the wrong feet, but she did it her self. Next, August walks hand-in-hand with a teetering Milo, reminding him to turn around at the stairs and go backwards. Then, Tony and Flo bring up the rear, picking up everything that everyone else left behind, as I grab the giant Gucci bag that I carry these days filled with all sorts of things that I'm sure the Gucci designers never intended this bag to be used for.

This is us. This is life now. As if it wasn't enough chaos, come the end of July, I'm heading back to work at AR Harris & Bumble part time.

"Mommy!! It's Gracie's house!" Robin screams as she realizes that we are pulling up outside of her best friends house. How she remembers that, I will never understand, but she does. As we pile out of the car Tony drove us here in, the kids run for the door and I follow behind, thanking Tony and telling him I'll call when we are ready to head back.

"The gangs all here!" Ben greets as he opens the door for us. I've missed this man so much, but I've missed his wife even more. "Anna! It's so good to see you. I've been on set quite a few times seeing H but never the same days as you have been there."

Anna || HSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora