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*** A/N: I am so happy to have a bunch of new readers lately! Please vote or comment, so I know you are here. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTERS!

~October 31st, 2015~

Anna- 21
Harry- 21

Harry POV:

I woke to sounds coming from Anna's room. At first I thought I was hearing things, or that I just woke up too quickly from a dream, but the sounds are still going. Now I'm standing on the other side of the door, in shock at the happenings of the last fifteen minutes, and completely turned on, if I'm being honest.

As I listen, I recognized the sounds. She's made those sounds with me. They're the unmistakable sounds of her being pleasured, but who the hell is in there with her? Then, the thought crosses my mind; maybe she was servicing herself?

The idea of her, once again, getting herself off with just a door between the two of us, makes my dick grow hard immediately. Even though I know I shouldn't, I creep towards the shared door, and gently lean my ear against the cold wood to listen to my Anna as she works herself towards complete bliss.

I only intend to listen, but then the sounds change. Surely she wouldn't let herself get that loud if she was alone? My heart suddenly drops to my stomach. The thought of her underneath, or dear god, on top of someone else, makes me sick. We've been there before, and I had no intention of having a replay of that night. So, I decide to close my side of the door and walk away. It really isn't my business who she's fucking.

The door is almost closed from my side when I hear a scream. This time it sounds like a scream of pain. Is someone hurting her? Then I hear it again, another scream. I had enough, and decide to knock softly. After the first knocks, the noises don't stop so I scrunch my eyes and pinch the bridge if my nose; praying that when I knock again, I'm not greeted by some out of breath undeserving man-boy .

My hand is hovering over the wood to knock again, then I hear her- Harry... Harry... oh, my GOD! Harry... don't stop."

WHAT.   THE.   HELL. Did I just hear that right? Now I am knocking feverishly, calling out her name. I was not imagining it, I think to myself as I continue to knock harder, her saying my name when doing what I know she was doing. That has to mean somethi-

The door flings open and I am greeted by a barely awake, robe-clad, flush-faced Anna, who seems to be in her room alone. THANK GOD.

"I heard noises and I was worried." I tell her, but obviously I leave out that I was worried about her being fucked senseless by some bloke.

She replies with "I'm fine Harry, it was just a dream," as she runs her eyes over my figure, clutching her rode tightly around her curves. It's then that I become positive that I heard her saying my name. My sweet, naughty, Anna.

We are friends, so I decide to have a little fun with her. Maybe it'll start to break down the walls she has obviously put up. "Hey, Anna?" I ask her as she closes the door on me.

"Yeah?" she pauses.

"Did you at least get yourself off before you woke up?" I ask her with a smirk and I can tell she wants the floor to open up and swallow her whole. I, however, am really enjoying this. She slams the door shut and I lean against it.

Anna || HSWhere stories live. Discover now