Anna 2- CHAPTER 5

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~November 30th, 2016~

Anna- 22
Harry- 22
August- Under 1 Month

Harry POV:

The first week home with a newborn is quite the adjustment. Anna and I spent the first few days reorganizing the aesthetically designed spaces of our London house to make sense for a newborn, which just killed Anna the architect, even if it pleased Anna the mother.

Stupid things that nobody tells you, but that we will damn well share with Ben and Meredith. Things like having a table next to the chair in the nursery. Or spreading out the things you need for baby all the time to avoid wearing a path in your flooring.

After days of fifty-seven trips between the nursery and all of the other spaces in our house, we have now sufficiently stashed supplies within arms reach of anywhere we might need them. I even sent Maddie out to buy duplicates of our most-used items to avoid having to hunt the house for them. Literally everything in our life; when we ate, when we showered, when we got a break. It all revolved around August. It quickly became clear that there was a new king in charge of my castle.

We have yet to leave the house for anything other than doctors appointments for Anna or August. Partially because of the paparazzi presence, but also because Anna is still trying to get back to feeling normal. Though she should be cleared this week to be a little more active, I am requesting that she doesn't push it. She is still struggling a little to get around, and has quite a bit of pain still from her c-section.

All that time at home means that I am fairly confident in saying that we have settled into a routine. Anna has always been a night owl, so she and August usually stay up a little later than me, getting in the last feeding while she binges episodes of Downton Abbey. Overnight, the first time he wakes up to feed, I get him changed and settled in with Anna. I refill her water bottle and see what else she needs, before I go back to sleep.

I struggled with that at first, feeling guilty for not being up with her, but she admitted that she actually liked this time with him alone. So, after days of falling asleep on the nursery rug while she fed our son, she finally told me to go back to bed once they are all settled.

The next feeding, the one in the early morning, is my favorite time. Anna has started to pump throughout the day so that the early morning feeding, which typically falls sometime around 4am, is all mine. Anna gets to sleep for a long chunk of time, and I get to have that time with little man. It's quiet. It's the still of the night, when the world is just on the brink of waking up. Once I started having these moments with him, I understood why Anna sent me back to bed.

This morning, when Anna woke up, she seemed off. Not just the typical exhaustion of keeping a human alive, but something more. "What's wrong, darling?"

"I just don't feel good," she replies, walking fully in to the kitchen, carrying the video monitor with her. She saunters up to me as I pour our life-sustaining black liquid into mugs, handing her one. She takes it in her hands and leans into my side, allowing her head to fall on my shoulders, and her body feels overly warm to me.

"You feel warm. Do you have a fever?"

"I don't know," she says with a shrug. "I'm feeling a lot more pain today, too. I think I'll call Dr. Norby's nurse."

The pain has never completely gone away, as it has only been just shy of two weeks, but today the pain in her abdomen is the worst it had been since we got home. She attempts to take a shower, and after I grab August from his room, I decide to check on her before getting him ready for the day.

I walk into our bedroom to find Anna in her robe, curled up in a ball on the floor, whimpering in pain. I sit August in his Moses Basket and rush to her side.

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