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~November 20th, 2015~

Anna- 21

Harry POV:

I flew to New York early on Thursday, telling Anna that I had to meet with stylists for some fittings with Gucci, which I did have to do, but I also had other plans. I had a meeting with a jewelry designer at Harry Winston at 9am, to finalize the design for Anna's engagement ring. Then, I had a fitting down the block before my afternoon flight to South Carolina.

Anna's mom, Sofie and Gram, picked me up from the airport. I flew private to Charleston, which is a tiny airport to start with, so there was very little security risk, even though there was security along, just in case.

"Harry!" Sofie screamed when she saw me come through the glass doors, and I rolled my eyes. "Sof- I am not sure the family at the end of the parking garage heard you."

I hugged her and she gave me her hello's before passing me off to the two most important women in Anna's life. "Harry, dear, it is so nice to see you," her mom beams.

"Give me some of that sugar, I am feeling left out," Gram protested in a southern drawl and pulled me into the most body melting hug. She hugs like my mum, and it makes me smile.

"I think we best be off. Anna really can't know that I am here," I said, hoping to continue to make this trip under the radar.

"So, Harry, what was so important that you had to fly in without my sister the week before Thanksgiving?"

"Now, Sofie, you shush. Let the boy be until we get back to the cottage and sit down for our meal," Gram scolded.

We pulled up outside the cottage, and all of the memories of this place flooded back. The time I spent there with Anna during the miscarriage, her Grandpa's funeral, seeing her with Antonin in the living room. I needed to make some new memories here.

We entered the main, and the table was set for a southern feast. Her mom and her Gram started bustling around the kitchen, preparing the food while we all talked around the kitchen island.

An hour later, we finally sat down to enjoy the meal together, starting the conversation by talking about the house in L.A. and Anna's job in London. We talked about Sofie's last year in college and her mom staying in South Carolina for the foreseeable future. It was so nice having this time with them, but I was there on a mission.

It isn't until after dinner, when we head outside to sit on the back porch, that I start to get nervous. Her mom is the first one to speak. She asks me to walk along the water with her, alone. "So, Harry. Are you going to tell me why you're really here?"

I nervously fidget, before just saying it, "I'm so in love with her, Mrs. Campbell." Her smile grows exponentially and he pulls me in to her embrace. When we separate the hug, she has tears in her eyes. "I am hoping those are happy tears?" I ask.

"Oh, Harry, they are the best of happy tears. You two are meant to be together."

"That kind of brings me to the next thing I came for. I want to ask for your blessing to marry Anna."

"Harry, you have had my blessing since you were sixteen. You have been like my son since then, and I can't imagine anyone else at the end of the aisle waiting to share a life with her."

"Well, a wise woman once told me that we would find our way back together once we did a little more growing up," I say with a smirk because both my mum and Mrs. Campbell told me that.

Now it is my turn to cry happy tears. "I have a picture of the ring I am designing for her," I say and pull out my phone to show it to her and she looks, but it seems like she is disappointed, or at the very least doesn't like the ring.

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