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*** A/N: I had multiple messages telling me I should switch this song to "Bigger Than The Whole Sky." I have to agree.

~ January 10th & 11th, 2011~

Harry POV:

I cannot let Anna see it, but inside I am absolutely freaking out. Between getting chewed out by management, and feeling like I should have been by my mum, the bigger feeling I have right now is fear. I'm actually scared out of my mind. Sitting here while a nurse teaches me to give Anna a shot to hopefully keep the baby we created, at the ripe old age of SIXTEEN, growing inside her womb.

"Harry," she says as I sit in the passenger side of her moms car to drive back to the cottage, "what are you feeling?"

"I don't know, Anna. I'm just trying to focus on you right now. All that I can control is that you follow doctors orders and we get through the rest together." I say, but I want to have a moment to freak out. I barely get a chance to get my mind wrapped around her being pregnant, only to be told that it might not stick. But, she doesn't need that. Right now, she just needs me to support her, so that is what I'm going to do.

"We need to tell my mom," she says, staring straight ahead at the road as I see a lone tear roll down her cheek. I want to know what's going through her mind, because I know her well enough to know that her continued silence is actually just her mind grossly overthinking everything.

So, I sit in silence next to her, letting both of our minds process alongside one another as best we can. We pull up to the cottage, and I squeeze her hand and she finally turns my way. Seeing her mom and Gram are already sitting on the porch, we walk up and sit down next to the two of them, Gram immediately grabbing Anna's hand for support.

"Mom, we need to tell you something." Anna starts, taking a deep breath, then she just says it.

"I'm pregnant."

Her mom looks straight at her daughters still flat stomach, without saying anything, then she looks at me before returning her gaze back to Anna."That's where Harry and I have been today."

"What?" Her mom reacts with shock, and looks over at me, but I do not sense anything short of love for Anna or me, or at least something much different from the hate or disappointment I had expected to receive. "How far along are you?" She asks grabbing the top of Anna's hand that Gram is already holding, connecting the three women as tears well in Anna's ice blue eyes.

"Around ten weeks, but there are some complications..." and the tears start falling until she's unable to continue. I decide that I need to man up and speak for us both. "The bloodwork isn't looking how they want it to right now, so she has to be on bed rest for the next forty-eight hours, take some medications and repeat the bloodwork on Wednesday morning. Now, we just have to wait and see how things are going then."

Her moms eyes now match her daughters, ice blue and filled with tears. She squeezes Anna's hand, unable to find words, which I don't blame her for. We have been unable to find them today, too.

"Is it alright if I stay here with her" I ask, knowing that I'm going to whether I get their blessing or not.

"Of course, my darlings, Gram says as she hugs both of us so tightly that I'm afraid we may never get out of her arms. "Let's get you up to your room, my dear."

I stay behind as Gram brings Anna upstairs so I can talk to her mom. "I am so sorry, Mrs. Campbell." I say, apologizing for possibly ruining her daughters life. What else would you call it when your sixteen, almost seventeen year-old, gets pregnant? Instead of meeting me with the anger I was expecting, she does the opposite.

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