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~February 2009~
Anna- 14
Harry- 15
Ben- 17

Anna POV:

"NO... NO...NO..." I laugh, "S...STOP. I can't take it anymore." I wiggle and try to escape his tickling from under his bodyweight, but it is no use. So, instead I just grab both sides of his face and plaster a kiss on his lips. I know that will stop the attack and it is never a bad thing to kiss your boyfriend, right?

Ben and I have been getting closer, and spending more time just the two of us, as opposed to in a big group, as we all had been hanging out. One reason for the change is that Harry and Abbigail seem to have plans lately for just the two of them. The other reason is that Maddie is doing a lot with Clara, as opposed to being our 'very single third wheel', as she so eloquently put it.

Whatever the reason, I am not complaining. Ben is such a good boyfriend, heck he is such a good man. Mom thinks he is absolutely perfect, and perfectly adorable, too.

When Gram and Grandpa came in January to celebrate a late Christmas with us, they both approved of him as my first boyfriend, even though Gramp said that fourteen might be a bit young to settle down. Ha!

That brings us to February, which is an extremely important month because two of the most important people in my life have birthdays in the next week. First, Harry turns fifteen on February 1st, then Ben turns seventeen on February 6th.

The boys are completely unaware that they've been helping me figure out what to get for each other over the past month. After going over lots of different choices, I finally settled on giving Ben some framed photographs of us off the camera roll on my phone. Harry chose the photos and suggested that I print them in black and white.

I just picked them up from the frame shop, and am admiring them before I wrap them up. They are indeed perfect. Perfect, even though the photos were very outside of my comfort zone. Not that we had taken them, but that they would be out on display for everyone to see. This type of affection will be on display, which usually feels awkward to me, but for some reason it doesn't with Ben.

They're also perfect because they show how my heart is starting to grow with feelings for Ben, too.

~ February 1st, 2009~

Anna POV:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HARRY!!!" I scream as I run into the dark bedroom at 6am with a plate full of donuts from the bakery. Harry rolls over and throws a pillow at me from his bed before sitting up to rub his eyes open for the first time as a fifteen-year old, still unaware of exactly what's going on.

"Why are you here so early?" he groggily asks in his deep morning voice. Gosh, that is sexy.

"Because your mom promised me I could be the first one to wish you a happy birthday, as long as I came right at six." I laugh and sit down on the bed next to him to light a candle I had placed in one of the donuts. "Make a wish, Harry!" I say excitedly as I watch him close his eyes and blow out the lone candle.

His eyes pop back open, fixed on me, before they move down to the gift sitting in my hands.

"I'm going to leave this here for you to open later," I say as I set the package down on his night stand. "We both need to get ready for school, birthday boy!" I ruffle his curly bed head, smiling at his sleepy state.

"So, I guess I will leave you to it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I say again, as I go to leave his room.

"Wait, Anna." He throws his legs over the side of his bed, stretching his arms over his head and up towards the ceiling. It is now that I notice he is in just his joggers, his top half completely bare. The band of his pants is hanging dangerously low on his waist, and I try to keep my eyes on his face instead of anywhere else inappropriate to gaze.

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