Anna 2- CHAPTER 29

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~ March 2018: LIVE ON TOUR~

Harry- 24
Anna- 23
August- 16 months old
Robin- 3 months old

~ March 21st, 2018- LOT: Oslo, Norway

Harry POV:

The drive to Oslo was around seven hours, so as we typically do, we left at about 3:30am. Marit, who we are definitely going to have to poach, had the genius idea of putting the kids to sleep on the bus, so we didn't have to move them. Anna told the team that whoever woke either of them with loading and packing up, would have to take care of the child they woke. So, the driver ran the bus the entire time, keeping white noise flowing for August and Robin to drift off into a sweet slumber.

Anna and I got the evening, once again, to enjoy one another free of our responsibilities as parents. She'd probably kill me if she knew that I give Marit and Viveka double pay when we ask them to take an overnight shift, but it doesn't seem fair to add to their plate and not compensate them accordingly. Plus, they are part of the family now, and we want them to stick around, so making it worth it to them is worth it to me.

We had four, glorious, fun-filled hours before the knock on the door came; Paul giving us our twenty minute warning. We both jumped up to take a shower. I grabbed the one bag that we'd brought to the room with us on my way to the bathroom. A bag complete with all sorts of things you wouldn't want to try and bring through airport security and some pajamas for us to put on once we were required to wear clothes again.

"Darling, how's everything feeling?" I asked her, because we did our absolute best to slowly ready her body to take the next steps.

"Sore, but it's bearable. I just..." she said, then rested her head on my chest as she let the water fall over her. "I just..."

I snaked my hand under her chin and tip her face up, so that I could reach her lips. I gave her a soft kiss. She didn't have to continue. I knew she was trying and I was trying not to push her and just let this go at her pace. "I know," I softly responded with before focusing back on the job at hand.

We washed each others hair before moving on to wash body parts, in a tangle of moving hands and partial arousal that ended when the water turned off, because we did have places we were expected to be.

This bus, once again, was for just our little family and their growing team on this leg of tour. The back room was a bedroom, complete with two closets spaces, one of which Anna and Viv turned into an area for Robin's bassinet. August was right outside our door in one of the lower two of the four bunks that were in that section. There's a door between those bunks and the next four, which kept our family and nannies separate from security and anyone else that is riding on this bus. There was an entire bunk of kid stuff. Diapers, toys, clothes, you name it. We had to move it higher, because when it was across from August, he was just too tempted to get out of bed and mess with things.

This was our traveling home.

The first morning in Oslo is busy. Viv and Marit pack up all of their items because they'll be attending the show tonight as guests, with some of their family, ahead of their two-week vacation. Anna's entire family is also coming to the show, but before that, they've invited us to her aunt and uncles house for a big welcome breakfast.

Heidi and Erik live closer to the arena, and I have never been there, but have heard that the house is beyond incredible. Erik Berg, her uncle, is a name that's known worldwide for his modern home designs. Anna told me that where Fredrik's (her Papa) designs leaned more traditional Scandinavian, Erik's leaned more edgy and modern. He actually helped her with quite a few ideas on our L.A. home back when I tasked her with that job. So, I knew pulling into their driveway would be an experience, but I had no idea what I was in for.

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