Anna 2- CHAPTER 47/47.5

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~Late June to July 2020~

Harry- 26
Anna- 26 (32-37 weeks pregnant)
August- 3.5
Robin- 2.5
Florence- 13 Months

~June 29th, 2020~

Jeff POV:

Charlotte is probably the biggest mistake that I've have ever made, as far as hiring somebody to be on Harry's team. Harry has absolutely no idea that she's trying to pull the things that she is, but I'm afraid that pretty soon she's going to take it too far and he's going to get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time with her. Then again, he has to actually go out to get caught and Harry hasn't really been out much on this leg of tour. Most nights, he goes straight back to the hotel to call Anna. Tonight however, Tom and Tyler are in town for the show, so everyone is headed out afterwards which means that I am going out with the band to babysit golden boy. It's my ass on the line if she does something dumb and pictures end up on the internet.

Paul and I are seated at a table on the side of the main VIP area at the club. As usual, Charlotte is all over him, but he is not responding to her advances at all, or at least he he wasn't until the last round of shots.

The entire group is now up on the dance floor. At first, Harry dances with Tom, Sarah and Mitch while Charlotte dances with Adam, but at some point they switch partners she ends up on Harry. His drunken hands find the same places on her body they did on everyone else's, but she thinks it means something more and her lips end up on his neck. Paul is out of his chair in two seconds. "Fucking hell," he curses.

He pulls a stumbling Harry away but not before the flashes capture the two of them together. "FUCK!" I say, slamming my water down on the table. Paul drags Harry out the back entrance while I try and confiscate the photos. Of course, I can't find the dick with the camera, so I put my team on damage control and hope for the best.

~June 30th, 2020~

Around 5:30am, photos emerge of Harry out drinking and partying with the band. Though all the band was out together, most of the interest is in photos of him and Charlotte, once again. Thankfully, none of them dancing, or worse, have surfaced, but since there are so many from random social media users, I fear it is only a matter of time before they do. As much as I'd like to let him sleep it off a little longer, I am sure Anna will see the photos any minute now and he had better call her and tell her about them before they find her.

I have a key card for his room, but I decide to knock first and give him the chance to answer. Of course he doesn't. So, I let myself in and find him on top of the covers, snoring in the same clothes he went out in last night. Thankfully, he is alone, but I'm still pissed at him for getting into this position. I throw a pillow at him from the floor. "Wake up, H," I say, not so nicely.

He groans and rolls over, tucking his head underneath the pillow I threw at him and ignoring me. "I'm not in the fucking mood for this, Harry. WAKE UP!" I yell and that gets his attention.

"What the hell, man? I'm up," he says, rubbing his eyes as he tries to get the top half of his body to stay upright. "Are we leaving for soundcheck soon?" He asks, confused.

"You need to call Anna."

His face goes white. "The babies? Is she OK," he asks frantically, sobering up to a standing position quicker than I expected him to. He really doesn't know.

"Your trending this morning. Why don't you open up...well, literally anything and see why," I tell him, throwing him his nearly dead phone from the dresser he dropped it on last night.

He looks at the screen and his face shifts. "Shit. I have a bunch of missed calls from Anna." I stop him from dialing her and tell him to see what she has seen before he calls her back. His face goes white again when he opens Instagram and he immediately goes on the defensive. "Nothing happened, Jeff. You were there. NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED," he screams and I sit down next to him. "We all know that, but Anna doesn't and she is having to deal with the pictures this morning and no explanation."

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