Anna 2- CHAPTER 18

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~September 2017: Part 1~

Harry- 23
Anna- 23 (25-29 weeks pregnant)
August- 10 Months

~September 1st, 2017~

Anna POV:

"Why can't you just tell me where we're going?" I ask as we pull out of the drive through at our favorite coffee stand. The absolute chaos that Harry causes by simply ordering a cup of coffee never ceases to amaze me. Lilly, the recipient of Harry's £20 tip, looked like she was going to pass out while simultaneously attempting to look unbothered as she handed him our drinks. 

I shake my head at the exchange and smile down at my cup.

"What?" He asks with a knowing smirk, his eyes fixed on the road as his lip slightly curls up into a shit-eating grin.

"I mean, I just forget sometimes," I say as I look out the window. "I thought she was going to drop our drinks in your lap she was so jittery." To answer me he simply reaches his hand over the center console and gives my thigh a little squeeze. "I chose you because you loved me before all of this madness."

"Gross," I say as I sarcastically scrunch my face up and he laughs. "Don't change the subject, Styles. You never answered me. Where are we going?"

"Darling, I thought a lot about this and I know the perfect place for our date night, but it will take us a bit to get there." He focuses his eyes back on the road, taking a sip from his coffee, giving me a side-eyed stare that tells me he is done giving me any more information about the whereabouts of our final destination.

Paul, as usual, is following us in an SUV at a safe distance. I'm sure he loved when Harry detoured to order coffee, but he has known him long enough to know that Harry often goes off book.

August is with us, but Viv is not. So, I assume that means that either he has plans for the three of us tonight, or another plan for little man at our destination. "Bubba, you should take a little nap," Harry says to him through the rear view mirror. August smiles and I hand him his pacifier. Within minutes of plopping it in his mouth, he's turning his head to the side and his eyes are falling heavy.

After an hour of driving, August is still asleep in the backseat and I follow soon after. I don't know how long we were both sleeping, but I start to become aware of my surroundings as Harry is dialing numbers into a keypad at a gate somewhere. The stilled motion of the car has woken August, as well.

"We're here, my love."

It takes me a couple minutes to fully come to and I when I do, I'm honestly a little shocked at our location for the evening. I see his beautiful mom out in front of the house, waving from the same spot she was in when we left her that last time. This time, for the first time since Robin's death, she looks genuinely happy.

"Hello, darlings!" she coos as she first moves to greet Harry, who gets out of the car first.

"Hi, mum," he says, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. He is the most incredible son. "These two just woke up, so they might need a minute," he says as he points to August and me.

"Oh, we're fine," I answer as I get out and round the car to help August out. Anne stops me mid-way to pull me into a hug, reaching down to caress the belly. "Let me get him, dear girl. I have been waiting to get my hands on my grandson all day!"

Anne opens the door and Harry reaches in to help her undo his carseat, showing her how the straps work now that he is in a carseat that stays in the car. As he reaches in, August says, "dada," and Anne's face lights up.

"Did he just?"

"Yeah. It's new as of last month. We are working on 'mama' and 'nana', but all he has reliably right now is 'dada', 'boo' (book) and mimi, which is is pacifier."

Anna || HSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ