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~August 2016~

Anna- 22
Harry- 22

~August 11th, 2016: 23 Weeks~

Anna POV:

Harry and I have now been in L.A. for almost two weeks. Coming to the states after the chaos in London was a welcome change of scenery, but unfortunately not a decrease in the interest surrounding Harry Styles son, who just happens to be growing in my belly. Thankfully, both Harry and I are too busy working to give the extra attention, and scrutiny, a second thought.

Between clients in the L.A. and London offices, I have been in constant contact with Sloan about the work going on at the Hampstead house. The kitchen is nearly finished, as she was able to get painters in two days after we left. The rooms are coming together via FaceTime; me playing the part of demanding pregnant client an ocean away. I really hope Harry is paying her a lot for all the extra work this little project dropped in her lap unexpectedly. To be honest, I am sure she would have done it for free, but that is not the point.

------ flashback to the meeting with Sloan ------

After my morning meetings, I make my way to Sloan's office and take a seat at the design table. It's strange because I have sat here hundreds of times, but never as her client.

"So, he bought you a fucking house?" she says sarcastically, but I suspect there is a little truth behind the statement.

"Um, yeah. I guess."

"Anna, in a little under a day, he sent me over twenty house listings to look through, and once it was down to the final four, he made me walk through them with him after work one evening while you were meeting with Thomas."

"That sneaky man," I say, then my face turns with a giant smirk. "Wait, what were the other houses like?"

"They were all massive, expensive and secure. He didn't care about the design at all. All that mattered to him was which one YOU were going to like, or be able to gut it and like it in the end."

"So, how did you pick this one?'

"Well, this one was a fan favorite before I walked through. He showed it to me last, which meant it was also his favorite. For me, though, the bigger reason to buy this house was that the others would have put you in the middle of a construction zone right up until the birth, which I know you wouldn't have been thrilled about."

"Thank you for that," I sigh out.

"You are welcome. I had done my research and knew that this one had been remodeled by a reputable firm a little less than three years ago. So, technically, it shouldn't have been too big of a disaster. Once I got inside, I knew that it was the house. I even knew a small list of things you would want to change," she says, sliding a piece of paper across the table to me. The list, in her handwriting.

- Kitchen cabinet color

- Extend Center Island

- Redesign pantry space

- Lighting- throughout

- Master bath flooring

- Pull out stools- bathroom vanities and kitchen island

- Nursery built-ins, and wall color

- Studio built-ins, soundproofing

- Add lower laundry

- Add lower powder room on West wing

- Guest suite access point from outdoors

- Exterior sliding doors- back

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