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~ July 7th, 2016: 18.5 Weeks ~

Anna- 22
Harry- 22

Anna POV:

Harry and I both went back to work yesterday. Harry warned me that he'll have ridiculously long hours while shooting in the UK. Partially because the time of day they need to get the correct lighting for some of the scenes happens before dawn or after dusk. The bigger challenge is that the location is over an hour from London, meaning there is still an hour drive to get back to the house once he is done shooting.

This morning, he entered the room, with twilight still glittering the sky. He walked over to the bed and leaned down to kiss me goodbye before kissing our son through the slightly swollen skin on my belly. The scent of his soap wafted over me, and an involuntary smile crept across my face. I pulled him down for another soft kiss, wanting to inhale more of him before he had to leave.

"Go back to bed, darlings."

"Oh, we will. Go be a movie star," I told him and he chuckled softly at my sass.

He was almost out of the room, but turned back around to say something to me from where he was handsomely leaned up against the doorframe. "Jeff arranged for me to start taking a different security detail." I barely lifted my head, my face wearing a sleepy expression that must have read confusion. "I am just more comfortable leaving Paul with you, and I think you are more comfortable with him, too. I don't mind using someone new."

I nodded in agreement and he left. I rolled back over onto my side, pulling his pillows tight against my body, hugging them as I inhaled more of his scent. Yes, since becoming pregnant my sense of smell has been heightened, but it was insanely sensitive to all smells Harry. I could not get enough of him.

A few hours later, the alarm blared from the side table, signaling that I actually have to get up, shower and get dressed for work.

Damn. I thought I had at least another hour to sleep.

Ugh. Getting dressed. A new challenge in my new body. The number of outfits that fit comfortably and hid the growing bump, was getting smaller as my body grew. I had learned to love a stretchy bottom with any top I could layer over my belly. High waisted pants and dresses also seemed to be doing the trick, but this morning when I tried on my favorite outfit from over the last couple weeks, the bump was clearly visible.


Anna: Wanna go shopping this weekend?

~~~ 30 minutes later ~~~

Harry: sure

Harry: what for?

Anna: Work clothes. FaceTime?

~~~ incoming FaceTime call~~~

"Are you by yourself?" I asked him and he walks away from the group of people he was near on set. I lift my shirt and focus the phone on my reflection in the tall mirror in our bedroom. I had settled on a pair of leggings with a button down tunic. When I lifted the shirt, Harry gasps.

"You popped! When did that happen?" he beams.

"I don't know? Last night?"

"The belly was not in the way when I was on top of you last night, darling. I would have remembered that," Harry bites his bottom lip remembering the late-night romp that made us both extra exhausted this morning.

"Well, regardless, I need new clothes for work. And probably just life, too."

"Call Meredith and see if she and Ben would like to do some after hours shopping with us," Harry suggests.

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