Anna 2- CHAPTER 32

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~ April 2018~

Harry- 24
Anna- 23/24
August- 17 months old
Robin- 4 months old

~ April 5th, 2018~

Anna POV:

I am packing things up at Oma and Papa's house and a sadness overcomes me as I fold a pink onesie. My time here has come to an end, but also happy to get back to Harry. Thankfully, Erik and Heidi are here with the cousins, so the kids are more than entertained and out of the way as Tony and I shuffle things to the car. On the last trip down to the waiting car, we recognize Sadie pulling into the drive. Thank god!

"Ladies!" I scream as both Viveka and Marit exit opposite sides of the backseat of the arriving car. For being so opposed to a nanny at the start of all this, I can admit that they have been missed. I am so ready to get back home to our house in London, but first we are headed to Anne's for a few days. Marit and Viv will be back on duty almost immediately because Harry and I have plans once we finally land in the same place.

After an uneventful flight, and a short drive, the cars pull into Anne's driveway just before dinner. Gemma and Michal are also there to love on August and Robin as soon as we make it through the doorway. It's clear that I am just a bonus prize that happens to have come with them. "You really need to keep this up." Gemma says to me with Robin happily bouncing in her arms.

"Keep what up?"

Her face turns mischievous. "Having babies. You make really cute ones," she says and I am sure my face reads not amused.

"That is not happening again for a while," I answer seriously.

"Oh, I'm sure you could talk Harry into it."

"He's not the one who put us having more kids on pause. You are talking to the one whose mind you would have to change, and I fear that 'adorable' little girl in your arms reminds me daily that we need to put some distance between her and any future siblings." I quip.

She looks down to Robin and starts talking to her, "your mommy is no fun."

"Well, perhaps you two would like to work on some of your own. I'd happily play the role of doting aunt." With that Michal coughs and laughs uncomfortably. Nana Anne comes to all of our rescue.

"Give me the darling," she says to Gemma, taking Robin from her before adding, "I agree with Anna. She has done her part."

"Mum! Totally inappropriate." Gemma scoffs at the thought that she is being told to produce her own children, but if she thinks they are so cute, she should really get on that.

"I bet Harry will talk you into it," she adds with the signature Styles smirk.

After enjoying a meal together, I pass August and Robin off to Viv and Marit so that I can join Gemma, Michal and Anne in a card game in the living room. "So, Anna, my brother tells me that you are skipping the next couple legs of tour?"

"Yes. Oceania and Asia were always out. It's too hard to travel that far with the babies. The team wants us to make a decision about South America in the next couple weeks. I suspect that we will be sitting that one out, as well, but more because security is a lot more difficult in many locations there. It's easiest for the security team to just focus on golden boy and not his entire family."

"How are things going with that?" She asks about her half-brother without using his name.

"Nothing new. Paris went by without incident." I don't add anything else on the topic, hoping to move on to something else entirely.

"Well, I am just happy to have the four of you here for a couple days. Do you know what time Harry plans to get here?" Anne asks.

"I think he is planning to leave right after the show. Let me check in with Jeff."

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