Anna 2- CHAPTER 55

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~Spring 2022: Part 1~

Harry- 28
Anna- 28
August- 5
Robin- 4
Florence- 2
Hazel and Milo- 21- 23 Months

~March 2022~

Anna POV:

March came, and seeing Harry for more than a couple hours a day flew right out the window with the cold days of winter. Before everything gets hectic with the album release and tour, he has to go back and do some voice overs for some of his scenes in My Policeman. Then, he has to do a few photoshoots and interviews that will be used to promote the film come summer.

"What time is the show tonight?" Harry asks me and I could kill him for not remembering. Like dead- right here in the kitchen. I can just see the headlines now, 'Harry Styles Found Dead for Asking a Dumb Question'. He catches my beyond annoyed stare and has the audacity to ask me, "why are you looking at me like that?"

"The concert," I say, walking towards him pointing my finger at his chest, "like I told you the other four times you have asked this week, is at 6:30pm." I get close enough to grab his phone out of his pocket and open the calendar app, just to be an extra sassy wife. "See! It's right here in your calendar. Auggie's calendar is orange. There is an event tonight, at 6:30pm, that is in ORANGE!" I say borderline screaming. "Jeff and Emma both have it on their calendars, as well." I thank him back his phone and turn from him because he has this obnoxious habit of riling me up just so he can kiss it all better.

Standing a safe distance from him I say, "if you really wanted to talk to me this morning, all you had to do was ask me my plans for the day. Or, comment on the weather. Anything but ask a question that makes me worried that you aren't going to be there by 6:10pm tonight because if you are not there for his concert, I will change the locks and not let you back into the house. Not to mention, Auggie will be devastated." The entire time I've been talking he has been sulking towards me, throwing almonds into his mouth. His perfect jawline has been popping as he chews them and he has been nodding his head like he is listening but it's clear that he has other plans for once he reaches me.

I got to step back and he reaches out. "Love, I'm sorry." He pulls me closer. "Paul told me we would need to leave from the shoot this afternoon by 4:00, and I was just trying to remember if it was 5:30 or 6:30, and if I would have enough time to come home and get my makeup undone." His fingers tuck the hair behind my ears and he looks down, meeting my gaze. "I would never miss it. I've just had a lot on my mind to keep straight. I'm sorry I asked again." Once he tells me about having a lot on his mind I feel the guilt creeping up. It's true. His calendar is full for all of the hours the kids are in school and some hours outside of that, too. He is juggling the movie, the album, the tour, his five kids and a crazy wife. That's enough to make anybody mad.

His eyebrows start to dance and his lips pucker in anticipation of the moment our lips meet and he kisses it all better. He has always been a problem solver, even in the most frustrating moments with him, he wants to diffuse the situation. His body bending over for his to lips fall on mine only exposes a different situation to me. Harry can sense my focus elsewhere, since I am distracted by our cute, sweet puppy, chewing up the left shoe to the pair of peep-toed Louboutin heels I was planning to wear when I left for work. I pull back and practically scream in his face, "dammit Tulip!" His eyes shift to spy the tiny puppy sitting innocently next to the carnage that was my shoe. I huff and and goes to pick them up and set them on the kitchen counter.

He wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead. "I'll order two more pairs to be delivered today. Any others that I should know about?" he asks the dog, more so than me.

"Hmmmm... Two pair of my Gucci tennis shoes, most of Hazel and Milo's shoes and Marit's Birkenstock's. Oh, and she chewed the strap on my Gucci bag. The one you got me for my birthday." Tulip gives him her puppy dog eyes and he caves, picking her up and softly telling her to stop eating expensive things. It is quite comical, though, how expensive her tastes really are. I'm sure she has eaten at least $30,000 in shoes, just the left shoe from each pair, but still. Oh, and handbags. Straps off handbags and backpacks, as well as leashes. She eats those, too.

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