Anna 2- CHAPTER 43

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~November to December 8th, 2019~

Harry- 25
Anna- 25
August- 3 Years Old!
Robin- 23 months
Florence- 5-6 months

Anna POV:

We've had a few months to settle into a routine in London. On Monday's and Wednesday's, Robin is at nursery school from 9am-1pm, but August is there Monday through Thursday for the same hours. Tuesday afternoons we have swimming classes for the whole family, requiring Marit and Viv to accompany me because it's already a big enough fiasco having Harry Styles' kids in class not to mention navigating it by myself.

I swim with Florence, but the other two need someone to help them get ready and watch them. I thought about having Harry come along, but can you imagine if he were sitting poolside at class? I'm sure it would give them a healthy bump in enrollment, but he wouldn't actually be able to enjoy watching his kids learn how to swim like every other dad on the pool deck, so he stays away. Little do they know, many lessons he is on the other end of a FaceTime with one of our amazing nannies, watching our little fish learn to swim. I'm so ready for the weather to change and have someone come to the pool at our house to give lessons, but then the kids also miss out on having class with other kids and I miss the chance to meet some other moms.

I have made two friends in Flo's swimming class that both have older children at August and Robin's school, as well. Meeting new people is challenging because I never know if they actually want to be my friend, or use me to get to my husband. The truth is, I am in need of some mommy friends in London. With Meredith traveling back to L.A. for the next three months, Maddie living in L.A. full time, Kate working in the L.A. office with Alli and Sofie in New York, I find myself lonely for adult interaction. Right now the interaction I need is with another person who understands what being a mom to three young kids is like. Preferably someone who could give a shit less what my husband does for a living. Enter Chloe and Meg.

Chloe and Meg are childhood friends who have lived in England their entire lives. Of course they know who Harry Styles is, but have never mentioned anything about him or asked anything about his career in our conversations. We have normal conversations about the stresses of having working husbands who travel for their job. Meg's older daughter is a little older than Robin, in the class just above her. Chloe's older boys are twin's. One of them is in August's class, which is how we found out about the swimming lessons. "I know we normally don't talk about this stuff, but I saw that Harry is releasing new a new album. We know that he will probably be super busy, so if you need any help with pick up or drop off, or ANYTHING, please let us know," Chloe genuinely offers.

I know which post she is referring to. Yesterday, Harry announced the album to the world. After "Lights Up", people knew it was coming, but now they know when it's coming.

 After "Lights Up", people knew it was coming, but now they know when it's coming

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"He and I are leaving this weekend to head to New York for SNL. The kids are going to stay back and finish the next week at school and fly out Friday with Harry's mom and Marit and Viv. We are doing August's birthday while we are there and he will miss school next week. I was thinking about doing a small party when we get back for his classmates here, but I have to clear that with 'the team'," I say.

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