Anna 2- CHAPTER 11

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~January- February 2017~

Harry- 22 - 23
Anna- 22
August- 2-3 Months

~New Years 2017~

Harry POV:

Anna and I sit down at the restaurant. It's just what we need- a quiet dinner out. At least that's what I thought. At first, though, it's strange to be out without August, or anybody really, since that has been the norm since before his birth. Honestly, it took us a little time to find our stride, and the first few minutes of dinner were rather awkward until Anna shifted in her chair and broke the silence.

"This is fucking weird, Harry."

"What is, my love?" I ask, looking at the menu only half listening.

"Us. This," she says pointing between us. "We are somebodies parents, but that doesn't make us boring prudes."

With that I put down my menu and thank the lord that she's feeling a strange anxiety about tonight, too. "I know, but you are still my wife and I still really like you, so why is this so difficult?" I say in response to her obvious read of the tension existing between us.

"We haven't been out, just the two of us, in a while."

"Well, clearly we need to make that a priority moving forward," I admit and she nods her head, a blonde tendril falling over her eye, as she picks up her menu to figure out what to order, so I do the same. Both of us now wearing a smile.

We enjoy the rest of the meal, talking over details about the studio and the album and going through the first couple months of tour, and how that will look with August and her along. Then, she asked me a question I knew we needed to address, but didn't know we would be addressing tonight. "Harry are we keeping the London house?"

"Why wouldn't we?"

"Honestly? It has been nothing but problems and it's impossible to keep secure. Nobody can stay there anymore. It seems foolish to own a house that we use for literally nothing."

I sit back and take in her words. Selling that house means saying goodbye to one of the first things I bought when I made it. But, keeping it seems equally as bittersweet, to me. Anna can sense my hesitation, "we don't have to decide anything tonight. I just feel like if we want another property in London, we should buy something closer to our new house."

"I can see that. I just hadn't thought about selling it," I answered honestly, looking away from her and out the window for a break from this somewhat unwanted intrusion to our carefree night out.

"What are you holding on to it for?" She prods.

I think carefully about how to word the next part. "It was a place that holds so many firsts for me, career wise. I feel like getting rid of that symbol of my success might... I don't know. Jinx it, somehow, moving forward?"

"That house doesn't have anything to do with your success. At all," she deadpans. "You know what that house represents to me?" she asks me and I shake my head.

"It represents the years we were apart- all the time that I wasn't with you. The things that I don't like about our history are all wrapped up inside those walls for me. I'm not in any of those memories, Harry. That was never OUR home."

Well shit, I hadn't thought about how that house felt to her, especially now after everything with the break-ins. "I never thought about that."

"I just feel like we can, and should be, building our life around all the things that remind us of our happy times together. That house, is not one of those things. At least not for me."

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