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~November 2015~

Anna- 21

~November 1st, 2015: The Drive Home~

Harry POV:

Even though it's Anna's car, I knew leaving the hotel could include some paparazzi following us for a while on the road, and I didn't want to baptize Anna into all of this in one evening. It isn't like she doesn't understand, but I also feel protective over her, so driving puts me more in control of both of our safety.

I made a quick call to my management to let them know that Anna and I are coming out of the hotel together, and that we are now an official couple. They always appreciate a heads up on my relationship status before they are questioned about it.

The only other call we made before we left was a FaceTime video to our moms. When we told them we are back together, they both screamed from opposite sides of the ocean. Even though it is technically early in our relationship, let's be honest- they have been planning our wedding since we were teenagers. So, obviously they are ecstatic.

None of the people we talked to know exactly how serious we are, though. How do you even explain it to someone without them telling you that you are out of your mind. There is no doubt in my mind that there will be a ring on Anna's finger by Christmas, earlier if I can pull it all together. Unbeknownst to Anna, I already booked a ticket to South Carolina to ask her mom and dad permission for her hand in marriage.

An hour later, we make it through the flashing lights of the paparazzi outside the hotel with very little trouble. There are police on hand, should any vehicles follow us at an unreasonable speed or distance. My only focus, though, is Anna.

I hold her hand so tightly through the entire walk that my knuckles are white by the time we reach her car. I don't let go until I open the door and help her into the passenger side, kissing her cheek before closing the door behind me. 

Once we turn out of the parking lot, her hand reaches for mine over the center console, and I bring our interlaced fingers up to my mouth to kiss her soft skin. She leans her head back against her headrest, exuding happiness.

"So, do you want to release an official statement?" I ask her.

"Wasn't that kind of what the photos back there were for?" She says, pointing over her shoulder back towards the chaos outside the hotel.

"No. Those photos are just going to cause more speculation. I mean... everyone's already been speculating for a couple months. Why don't I have the legal department actually put a statement out."

"Is that what you want?" she asks.

"Absolutely. Plus, if we move on to getting engaged soon-ish," I say, still getting used to the idea that this is our reality, "I feel like people need to digest that we are a couple for at least a..." I look her way with a 'help-me-out-here' look.

"At least a...week? A month? I don't know, Harry. That part is really up to you. Just know that I will say 'yes' whenever you decide to put a ring on it." She waves her left hand in front of my face, wiggling her fingers playfully.

"This is surreal, Anna. Aren't there other things we need to figure out, or talk about, before we just decide to get engaged?"

"Not when we have been best friends for years, even when we weren't speaking. We know each other better than anyone else. Isn't that why people date?"

"Yes. I guess so."

"Plus, baby, getting engaged doesn't mean we are walking down the aisle the day after you propose, or at least I hope we're not. We have some time to figure everything else out and just be each other's fiancés."

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