Chapter 170 End

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The University of Science and Technology made a big fuss.

In addition, the old president of the University of Science and Technology was stunned. After being sent to the hospital, he was found to have a cerebral hemorrhage and had to undergo surgery.

The matter was not dealt with in a timely manner, and there are more and more voices criticizing HKUST on the Internet.

Under the scarf of the Education Bureau, it has already been captured by those angry netizens.

Everyone shouted for the Education Bureau to deal with HKUST quickly. Don't let such a school endanger the future pillars of the country.

The Education Bureau has indeed heard the appeal of the general public and acted decisively.

The Education Bureau issued a notice that HKUST will suspend classes for one day. The vice principal, director and teachers of the school were all brought back to the Education Bureau for investigation.

Of course, Qiu Shui, who is the person involved, and Zhou Dagang, who was threatened by Director Jiang's letter, also need to be present to cooperate with the investigation.

However, Qiu Shui didn't want to go.

Therefore, everything was handed over to the barrister, Cao Jingnian, the exclusive lawyer, to handle it.

Cao Jingnian's title of falcon eagle is not a nice thing to say.

His business ability is outstanding in the whole of Kyoto, and even in the whole country.

It doesn't take a day's work at all, everything has been investigated clearly.

The Bureau of Education issued the results of this investigation and processing very quickly.

After investigation, this University of Science and Technology has illegally expelled students from their studies. And publicly encroaching on other people's honor rights to promote the school has constituted a serious violation of discipline and law.

Now make the following processing.

First, the University of Science and Technology needs to make an apology to Qiushui on the official scarf, and compensate Qiushui for the loss of honor and mental damage, totaling 100,000 yuan in Chinese currency.

In fact, the act of rubbing Qiushui with a scarf by the University of Science and Technology, in a real sense, is not considered to have damaged Qiushui's reputation.

But who made Cao Jingnian strong in business, no, he made it right.

Because once the University of Science and Technology does not admit the crime, then Cao Jingnian will accuse the University of Science and Technology of defrauding students and parents all over China, and even the world.

Because the University of Science and Technology is trying to use Qiushui to promote its own school, which is already considered a commercial activity.

However, Qiu Shui is no longer a student of HKUST.

Therefore, if this is serious, it may really be convicted of fraud.

After all, there are many students and parents who have been deceived.

The complaint calls received by the Education Bureau can't stop.

Second, the culprits this time are Vice President Zhong and Director Jiang who violated the regulations and expelled the students without authorization. be directly dismissed. And included in the blacklist of the Education Bureau, they will no longer be able to engage in the education industry in the future. Qiushui's counselor was also severely punished.

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