Chapter 71 I Did It On Purpose

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Fang Shao?

A name instantly came to Qiu Shui's mind, Fang Jun. The second son of the current Fang family.

There is an elder brother above Fang Jun, and a younger brother below.

In addition to the three brothers Fang Jun, the other branches of the Fang family also have several outstanding sons and daughters.

It can be said that among the four major families, everyone has basically acquiesced that the Fang family has surpassed the Ren family and ranked first.

Fang Jun is the best of the younger generation of the Fang family.

If he hadn't announced his coming out in public at that time, it might not be his elder brother who managed most of the Fang family's property at this time, but him.

Although Fang Jun has very little family business in his hands, Fang Jun is the last person the Fang family can't provoke.

Because the current head of the Fang family loves Fang Jun the most, and the Fang family is notoriously protective. If Fang Jun is offended, it is tantamount to offending the entire Fang family.

Thinking about what happened to those families before, how could anyone who knew Fang Jun's identity dare not respect him now.

In front of Fang Jun, apart from Qin Ze who was taken aback by Fang Jun's appearance and looked at a loss, Qiu Shui was the only one who stood there calmly.

Fang Jun looked at Qin Ze with a stiff face, that gloomy and handsome face looked even more terrifying.

He stared at Qin Ze closely, "Come on, tell me, what is the Zhenbao Pavilion of our Fang family?"


Qin Ze felt as if he was being stared at by a huge python. The cold and stern feeling gave him goose bumps all over his body. I dare not move.

Fang Jun?

This Treasure Pavilion belongs to the Fang family?

Qin Ze's father showed him the information of many families in Kyoto yesterday.

Qin Ze didn't even look at the information on the families that were inferior to the Qin family.

But he had read all the materials of the Fang family, the Ren family and the Zhang family.

Among them, the one who impressed me the most was Fang Jun from the Fang family, because he was the one person Qin Ze's father specifically mentioned as the one who should not be provoked.

Therefore, Qin Ze was very impressed.

But Qin Ze never expected that he would run into Fang Jun when he came out for activities as the heir of the Qin family for the first time today.

Moreover, it also angered him.

Who would have thought that this Zhenbao Pavilion would belong to the Fang family.

It's all the fault of the liar, if he hadn't provoked him, he wouldn't have uttered wild words.

"The illegitimate child of the Qin family?" A blood-red storm brewed in Fang Jun's unique pair of phoenix eyes.

"It seems that the Qin family has been too peaceful recently. An illegitimate child who came out of nowhere dares to speak nonsense in my Zhenbao Pavilion."

The naked sarcasm and condescending disdain in Fang Jun's eyes made Qin Ze furious instantly.

Why, he has already been taken back to the Qin family, and he is no longer the bastard that those people outside said. He is already going to be the heir of the Qin family, so why does this person in front of him look down on him.

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