Chapter 127 Club

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After dinner, the three of them drove back to the villa.

After Qiu Shui took a shower, he went online to check the club Liang Zitao mentioned.

"Holy Chess Club" is a club co-founded by Liang Zitao and Lou Yuchen.

This club was founded by them a year ago. There are currently five chess players in the club, all of whom are young chess players no older than eighteen years old.

Although this club was founded by two people, Liang Zitao is the main person in charge of this club.

In fact, Lou Yuchen is more of an investor and does not participate in management.

Last year, the Shengqi Club participated in Weiyi and only got the third place. And can not enter the siege.

Only those who get the top two in the second round are eligible to be promoted to the first round. Participate in the Siege League.

Next month, the new Go professional match will start. At that time, many new chess players will be born.

Liang Zitao wanted to attract investment because he wanted to bring in some fresh blood for the club. To impact the siege.

The information about Shengqi Club on the Internet is still very detailed. After all, there is the name of Lou Yuchen, the chess god.

It's just a pity that although Lou Yuchen is one of the founders, he is not responsible for training the chess players in the club.

Therefore, after the first year of success without attacking Wei Yi, two of the few chess players in the club were poached away.

This is a good time, there are only three chess players left, not even enough people to participate.

It was precisely because of this that Liang Zitao was in a hurry to find investment to attract people.

"Wai Yi?"

Qiu Shui doesn't know much about these Go leagues, but he knows that there will be follow-up reports on the news of the Weiqi competition every year.

Especially in the past two years, as soon as the Siege was opened, there were all kinds of news overwhelming.

Unexpectedly, Lou Yuchen and his club couldn't even get into the Weijia.

But also understand.

Although Lou Yuchen is very strong, it doesn't mean that the chess players in his club are also very strong.

Moreover, so many chess players are born every year. Needless to say, the Siege League. The Siege League is full of blood and blood, the kind that needs to pass three levels and kill six generals.

Shengqi Club was able to win the third place in Weiyi League, which is already amazing.

Well, the two poached chess players were poached by the first-place club in the Siege League.

After all, people can participate in the siege this year, and it is still a big club.

It is understandable that the two chess players would be poached away.

It's just that those two chess players are the main player and the second player of the club's second league.

This is a big blow to Shengqi Club.

"This club doesn't even give Lou Yuchen the face of the chess god, and digs people by itself. It seems that the background is very big!"

With Lou Yuchen's status in the Go world, poaching someone from his club would be slapping him in the face.

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