Chapter 163 Winning

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At this time, it was already October, and the weather in Kyoto began to cool down.

He was afraid that Lou Yuchen would wait for a long time, so he walked outside quickly.

Qiu Shui went out in a car today, and the car also stopped in the underground parking lot. So it didn't feel cold.

Now, after going outside, I realized the coolness brought by gusts of wind.

The reporters who had been waiting outside rushed up immediately when they saw Qiu Shui appear.

The bodyguards who had been waiting outside for a long time moved quickly and immediately stopped the reporters and separated a passage so that Qiu Shui could pass through safely.

Lou Yuchen, who was wearing a black windbreaker and a black mask, was standing outside the crowd with a black suitcase in his hand.

Even though he just stood there so simply, this man still gave off a sense of elegance. And those long legs can instantly kill everyone around.

Always the most conspicuous one in the crowd.

Qiu Shui quickened his pace and walked in front of him.

"came back?"

Lou Yuchen's dark eyes were stained with a smile, "Well, I'm back."

Seeing that Qiu Shui was only wearing a thin sweater, he raised his eyebrows and frowned slightly.

"Why do you wear so little?"

Qiu Shui raised his head and smiled, "It's okay, I'm not cold."

However, Lou Yuchen let go of the suitcase in his hand, took off his black windbreaker, and put it on Qiu Shui.

"There is still a game tomorrow, so be careful of catching a cold."

Qiu Shui glanced at the black windbreaker she was wearing.

On the windbreaker, he could vaguely smell the smell that belonged exclusively to Lou Yuchen.

Qiu Shui glanced at the black shirt on Lou Yuchen's body, and said, "What about you? What if you catch a cold?"

Lou Yuchen tilted his head, looked at Qiushui, and pondered for two seconds.

After really thinking about this question, he said, "Is a cold considered a work-related injury?"

Qiu Shui couldn't help being amused by Lou Yuchen's serious joke.

"Forget it. After all, you caught a cold because of my boss. It must be counted as a work-related injury."

Qiu Shui grabbed Lou Yuchen, "Let's go, Liang Zitao said today that he would learn how to cook roast duck with Uncle Fu, let's go back quickly and see how it is doing."

The car stopped at the gate of King Ren's Mansion.

Lou Yuchen got out of the car, looked at the majestic King Ren's Mansion in front of him, and couldn't help being shocked.

Qiu Shui directly dragged Lou Yuchen in.

Uncle Fu and Liang Zitao just finished the roast duck.

"Huh? Ah Chen, are you finally willing to come back?" Liang Zitao exclaimed after seeing Lou Yuchen.

"The young master is back." After Uncle Fu put down the roast duck in his hand, he looked at Lou Yuchen behind Qiushui, "This is Mr. Lou, right?"

"I am, hello. Are you Uncle Fu?" Lou Yuchen heard Qiushui talk about Uncle Fu.

Uncle Fu smiled and nodded, "Mr. Lou looks more extraordinary than the one on TV."

Because the former master loved to play chess, Fu Bo is also very interested in Go. He even watched the Chess God Competition that Lou Yuchen participated in.

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