Chapter 169 It Happened

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In the conference room of the University of Science and Technology, the old principal directly took the case.

"What the hell is going on? Now this matter has gone to the Education Bureau, and now Director Liu of the Education Bureau has called me, saying that this matter has too much impact, so we must resolve it within today. This matter is dealt with."

The principal of HKUST is sixty-two years old, and he had already retired. He was later rehired and became the president of HKUST.

Since he became the principal, HKUST has never had such a big incident.

If it wasn't for the fact that the principal has a certain status in the education field, it is estimated that the Education Bureau would have started to act directly. Instead of giving them time to deal with it.

All the teachers and masters present stood up in fright.

The principal looked at the vice principal on his left with sharp eyes.

"Xiao Zhong, when I was on a business trip last month, I handed over the school to you. Is this how you manage it?"

The vice-principal was a student of the old principal, and when he questioned the old principal, the vice-principal was sweating profusely.

"Teacher, it was Director Jiang who told me at the time that this student named Qiu Shui had bad morals and bad character. It even seriously affected the voice of our school. At that time, the 'Baoyangmen' incident fermented very quickly. Indeed It affected the voice of our school, so I agreed to expel Qiushui's student status."

"Later, after the truth came to light, I also asked Director Jiang to restore the student's student status and reissue the student's graduation certificate."

"Reinstate student status and issue graduation certificates?" The old principal slapped the table angrily again, and said angrily to Director Jiang: "This is how you restore student status and issue graduation certificates?"

The old principal was a leader before he became the principal, so he naturally had the aura of a superior.

Director Jiang was so frightened that his legs were trembling, "I... I had already deleted it at that time. Our school expelled the scarf of Qiushui's student status, and also retracted the school's announcement. The next thing about student status and graduation certificates will be discussed by Teacher Zhang and Qiu Shui. of."

Teacher Zhang is Qiushui's counselor.

When Mr. Zhang heard Director Jiang mentioning himself, he was shocked, and when he saw the sharp eyes of the old principal looking over, he swallowed.

"Well, I really told him. But he said that our school should apologize publicly for the expulsion and restore his reputation."

"I also talked to Director Jiang about this matter. Director Jiang said that the school has never publicly apologized. The University of Science and Technology will not apologize publicly because of a small student. Since Qiushui doesn't know good from bad, University of Science and Technology doesn't need such a thing. student."

Teacher Zhang didn't want to take the blame, so he said exactly what Director Jiang said at that time.

If it were normal, Teacher Zhang would not dare to offend Director Jiang. After all, he was afraid that Director Jiang would wear small shoes for him.

But now that things are making such a big fuss, Teacher Zhang can't afford it.

Of course I can only tell the truth.

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