Chapter 82 Incoming Call

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Qiu Shui doesn't know Zhang Jiayun's father, and it's the first time to visit Zhang's house.

When you go to someone's house for the first time, you can't go empty-handed.

Qiu Shui asked Zhang Jiayun to stop at the door of a fruit shop that looked pretty good, and then took Zhang Jiayun in and bought two fruit baskets of about 1,000 yuan.

Thinking about the rebates he earned with Zhang Jiayun's money, the two thousand Chinese currency fruit basket is actually not too expensive.

Qiu Shui is stingy, but there are still basic etiquettes.

Moreover, even if he wanted to be stingy, the system would never allow him to do so.

Those who do things that do not conform to the etiquette of "rich people" will be punished by electric shock at any time.

When it was time to pay, Zhang Jiayun rushed to ask for the payment, so of course Qiushui couldn't let him pay.

In the end, Zhang Jiayun had no choice but to carry two fruit baskets and put them in the compartment of the car ahead.

Although Zhang Hongtao is a member of the collateral lineage of the Zhang family, but because he has a good relationship with the head of the Zhang family, even though he is a collateral lineage. But it also manages part of the family business of Zhang's family.

However, Zhang Hongtao also has his own ambitions.

He is not reconciled, and only clings to the shadow of the head of the Zhang family. Yu Yin wanted to get out of the Zhang family, so that his Zhang family could walk side by side with the head of the Zhang family.

It's just that after so many years, he has the heart and no energy to spare.

The four major families in Kyoto have basically taken all the advantages. If he wants to rush out from the four major families, it is basically impossible without external force.

And Qiushui was the external force he chose.

Even though, he knew that choosing to cling to Qiushui would be very risky.

But high risk means high reward.

Although they still don't know whether Qiu Shui is a member of the invisible family, but judging from his generous spending, the family is definitely not simple.

Now that you have made your choice, you cannot regret it.

So, he asked his son Zhang Jiayun to invite Qiu Shui home for a light meal.

Although it was just a simple meal on the surface, secretly, it was indeed the first meal of their Zhang family's surrender.

Therefore, Zhang Hongtao had asked people to prepare the ingredients early in the morning, trying to make Qiushui eat as happily as possible.

Qiu Shui really enjoyed eating. Although there are only ten dishes, they are all delicious in color, flavor and taste.

It tastes great.

Especially the crab cake that was carefully prepared, which simply integrated the essence of more than a dozen crabs into a palm-sized pastry.

After one bite, it is the umami taste of more than a dozen crabs.

After eating and drinking, Qiu Shui chatted with Zhang Hongtao and the others for a while, and then left.

With a middle-aged uncle who is almost fifty years old, Qiu Shui really has nothing to talk about.

This time I came to eat at the door, what I ate was just an attitude.

It's good for both parties to know each other well.

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