Through a glass, darkly

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 Three months later we walk out of monas funeral, we have these flowers necklaces around our necks

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Three months later we walk out of monas funeral, we have these flowers necklaces around our necks.

"They know that things empty right?" Emily says.

"They do if for soldiers who's bodies are never found, it's most likely keep sakes like stuff animals." I say.

We see Ali walk over to mrs vanderwall, we gasp as she slaps Alison.

Hanna rushes over to her taking her away, Ali glances over at us holding her cheek. Me and Jason walk back to the apartment.

"I can't believe monas dead." I mumble and he nods.

"I will never forget the inside of that house." He says and I sigh.

"Me either." He opens the apartment door, both of us walking in. I shrug off my cardigan and take off my heels.

"These kill my feet." I groan falling onto the sofa. He sits at the end, rubbing my feet.

I tie my hair up, flicking on the tv.
"We should buy some fake plants." I say looking around.

The next day Spencer calls us over saying how Bethany's parents are trying to get the bail lifted.
"That's crazy they can't just revoke your bail."

"We found the letter that explains everything the matching clothes and holdbrook is doing everything to get it thrown out so it looks like I forged it all."

"Look Mona thought Ali hit Bethany with that shovel and was murdered for it. So if we can prove Ali killed Mona the police can see these two crimes are connected." I explain.

"If it was easy to prove Ali was the murderer wouldn't we of done it already?"

"If Mona can find proof so can we it has to be somewhere."

"How's Caleb doing with monas laptop?" Aria asks.

"He's not giving up but he's not getting anywhere either." 

"Even if we do Ali had an alibi." Emily says.

"Then we tear it down."

"Her dad won't budge." Emily says.

"She's not talking about her dad." I pitch in, Spencer nods and I sigh. I go to the apartment with Spencer and Emily, I sit on the chair as Spencer talks to him.

Spencer says how he has to know if Ali left when he talked to his dad.

"I know there asking you to lie, but I'm your sister too. I might be going to jail!" Spencer says and Jason looks at her sighing.

"Is it hard to believe that they would have a thanksgiving dinner together?" He asks.

"Yes." I say in an obvious tone, he looks down at me and I give him pleading eyes.

"They had a thanksgiving dinner together." Jason says and I shake my head.

"Thanks for nothing." Spencer says leaving. I stand up walking into the room locking the door.

"Izzy!" He calls from the other side of the door. I ignore him sitting on the end of the bed, sighing and I run my hands over my face.

"I'll be back." He says and I laugh in annoyance. I hear the door slam and i groan.

I get a call from Spencer saying there going over to monas to look around.

"Let me grab my stuff."

"Tie your hair up." She says hanging up.

I get there and Spencer whips out a hairbrush.
"That's Alisons." I say and she nods. She kneels down by a vent and looks back up at us.

"There's a camera." She says and both me and em duck down looking.

We go back to Spencer's and call Hanna over asking for her to tell her mum. Hanna hesitantly agrees leaving to go over there.

I go back home and Jason still isn't here. I check my phone and see missed calls from him, he's at the police station.

The police checked the house again found a camera it shows Mona and a blonde. I get out rushing over to the police station. I walk in and Jason walks out with Tanner. He hugs me and I ask if it was her.

"Looks like her." He mumbles. Tanner leaves us and we walk out going back to the house.

"Izzy." He says as he opens the car door. We get in and he drives us to the dilaurentis house. We walk in and he waits to see Alison as she goes to run.

"Can you at least stall them please." She asks him, he looks behind her and she turns seeing me.

Jason steps aside and Ali runs, I walk down to him and he sighs.

"I'm sorry." He says and I shake my head in understanding.

"I understand." I whisper. We hear Tanner and we walk out seeing Alison being put into handcuffs. The girls watch and we stand as they take her away.

We drive home in silence, not talking not even when we lay in bed. He pulls me closer and I rest my head in the crook of his neck. I place a small kiss and he runs his hand over my hair.

"I'm sorry." He apologises again and I hum.

"I know you are, it's okay." I mumble and I feel a drop of water fall onto my cheek. I look up and wipe his tears with my thumb, I lean up kissing his lips gently. I pull away smiling at him softly.

"Your okay." I say and he nods. I pull him closer kissing his forehead.

"Your okay."

This but was actually quite hard to write because of the Spencer and Jason scene

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This but was actually quite hard to write because of the Spencer and Jason scene.

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