The first secret

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I had slept over at Jason's last night, its Halloween soon

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I had slept over at Jason's last night, its Halloween soon. I rest on my side and brush some hair off his face as he sleeps with the covers on his lower waist. The fan spreads cold air around the room blowing the sheets every so often. I lean over kissing him softly to wake him up, I feel his hand hold the side of my face and he turns us over him now on top. He kisses me and I run my hands through his hair. He pulls away and leans down kissing his way up my stomach.

"I have to meet Alison soon." I sigh, he lifts his head up and moves so he's now hovering his face over mine.

"can't you cancel?" He asks and I brush my fingers over his cheeks.

"I've already cancelled twice on her this week, don't make me piss her off even more." I say and he sighs dropping next to me. I sit on the side of the bed putting my arms through the bra Jason does it up for me. I slide on a T-shirt from my draw in his wardrobe and a skirt.

"Where's my phone?" I ask turning around and see Jason smiling.

"You were up at two am telling Ivy about how good the sex was." He laughs and I gasp jumping onto the bed trying to snatch my phone, i straddle his lap as he holds it behind him.

"I'll stay over tonight, I'll say I'm round arias she'll cover for me." I say and he agrees handing me my phone. I lean down kissing him deeply before I grab my things sneaking out the house. I meet the girls and we walk down the street talking about Halloween costumes.

"Izzy what are you going as?" Alison asks.

"Mrs smith that sexy leather one she wore at the beginning of the movie." I say and Ali smiles.

"That's hot." She says and a car pulls up end to us full of frats and Noel khan.

"Will I see you girls at my party on Friday?" He asks.

"Of course." I say and he smirks at aria before driving off.

"Prepared to be scared!" He calls out. The girls all fuss about how they just got invited to the Halloween party. Me and Ali laugh about how excited they are.

"There like little puppies." I say and Alison laughs as we walk on. We walk past an abandoned house and the girls all get the creeps about it. We all go out separate ways and I go round Alex's with ivy and Jason soon comes over. He pulls me into his lap sideways as all his stoner buddies and him play a game betting money. I put an arm around Jason's shoulders as he rubs my back with one hand. I laugh as he wins and all the stoners groan and hand him the money. He smirks up at me and folds a stack of cash and sticks it in my bra. I laugh putting a hand over the top of my shirt. We make dinner and we all sit around the table, Alex and ivy have a match of who's right and who's wrong.

"You know Izzy and jason are much quieter than you two." One of them says and Alex laughs in disbelief.

"Try sleeping over with them all you hear from them is , oh yes harder!" Ivy says as she moans the last part. I open my mouth in shock and Jason laughs as he hides his face in the crook of my neck.

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