Yorkie x Geo Cannonheads

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And I do what I want-

TW: Civil War is mentioned - NSFW Parts - Trauma handling - 9/11 is mentioned - Suggestive themes sometimes - I duunno

So of course they snuggle a lot. Yorkie refuses to admit how much he loves getting snuggled by Geo in front of anyone that isn't him.

Geo likes smooching him a lot. NY will do it too sometimes but for the sake of his reputation, he is only soft when no one is around.

They play chess together! :D

Every time Yorkie takes his trench coat off Geo gets unusually excited. No one knows why. But he does. And Yorkie won't say he loves it.

NY tries to keep everyone out of the kitchen when Georgia's cooking more for their sakes than his. Because if someone comes in looking for food on his cooking day they catching some hands. And possibly knives. 

NY still has horrid dreams of 9/11 and flashbacks to him and NYC in the hospital after it. Geo is always there to help him through it, even if it's just snuggling while Yorkie cries in his arms and he just whispers kind words to him. That's Yorkie's favorite part about him, how kind he is to an ass like him.

NY does the same for him during any Civil War flashback he may have, just snuggling him and attempting to whisper nice things to him. He ain't that good at it but it cheers Geo up every time.

NY gets jealous very easily. Geo finds it both annoying and funny at the same time.

(NSFW) NY has a decent amount of toys that Geo found out later on in their relationship. So he decided to try them since he's never really used any before. On him-

Again thigh and ass man Geo loves Yorkie's ass, even if he can't see it often due to his big fucking trench coat.

NY has driven Geo to a Mcdonald's at 2 am because he was hungry. Then started arguing with the staff because their ice cream machine "wasn't working" when he asked for a McFlurry.

They go to shooting ranges together, and unlike Southie and Jersey, they're wholesome and just talking about life as guns go pew pew.

They also do a lot of shopping together and every time Geo tries buying NY a gift he's like "Dumb fuck my economy is better than yours, quit wasting your damn money on me!" Geo never listens. And gets him stuff anyway.

Geo leaves lil' sticky notes in NY's room with different things on it. Like, "Love you!" or "Remember to drink some water today love, or no smooches." or "Try not to fight anyone today and take care of yourself." NY keeps them all in a little chest he bought and hid in his closet.

Geo will pick him up randomly. NY hates it.

Geo likes the fact that he's a walking, talking, angry cat. And gives him pats a lot because of how much he enjoys it.

There has been a lot of times Geo makes him apple pie, and one day NY decides to return the favor with a Peach Cobbler that took him 3 hours to make because he couldn't figure out how exactly to make it for a while. Geo loved it.

Sometimes NY will just sit on his lap and snuggle in Geo's chest. It's rare. But it happens.

They watch movies together a lot lot. But Disney is off-limits. Georgia will break the TV-

They use a lot of nicknames for each other.

NYC cried when he found out he was dating him. Mostly because he thought NY was dating Cali and that would mean he and LA would have to see each other more often. So happy tears. Atlanta laughed at him tho-

(NSFW) NY is a switch and Geo loves his when he's dominant because flustered nervous cat man is a lot different and he thinks it's cute.

Sneaking hugs is always a yes on Geo's part. NY loves when he does it despite cursing him out because he never expects it.

This was fun. :)

Bai bai-

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