That's low Ohio calm down-

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Michigan: Name one thing you have that I don't.

Ohio: Clean water.

Michigan: *Crying* You mother fucker-


Texas: I'm depressed.

Cali: Be depressed quietly I'm reading.


Savannah: Dad ground me.

Georgia: Why?

Savannah: Just do it...

Geo: You're grounded...?

Savannah: *Goes back to his phone call* Sorry guys can't hang today I'm grounded.

Geo: You are my son... ,:)


London: *Jumps into D.C's arms screaming*

D.C: What's the problem?!

Mass: *Runs towards him holding a shotgun* THE RED COATS ARE HERE FOR MY SHIT!

D.C: *Confused screeches*


Wisconsin: I don't get why everyone hates on wine

Ohio: Me either. All it does is keep the bad thoughts away ya know

Wisconsin: That's the only reason I drink it dude.

Minnesota: *picks up the phone* Hello yes, I would like to book two different therapy sessions for some friends of mine-


N.J: One day I will die and that will be the best day of my life.

Southie: But that's gonna make me sad :C

N.J: *Puts his hands on his cheeks* Good. :)


N.C: Better fucking say it-

Virginia: only because you paid me. Pepsi is better than Co-

Georgia: *Throws Rhodesia across the room directly at him*

Rhode: *Screaming*

Virginia: shit-


Geo: How many cups of coffee do you drink?

London: I drink tea love

Geo: Sweetened?

London: *British anthem stops* Excuse me?


Bai bai people-

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