Random songs that remind me of States again

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It's been a while since I've done this but ya know-

I got a mix of Texas and North Carolina in this one. Like- Tex doin' all the math but N.C is the one who needed help getting a new Logo for Pepsi. (Since they changed it last year I believe.)

New Yeok. I don't know why, but New York

No explanation. It just seems like a Cali villain arc brewing here to me-

basically any cursed city/state. but the fire mentioned could also bring off some Geo and his family vibes too.

Also Cali.

For this one I don't actually know. But it does give some good angsty feel so many Mississippi or N.J. I still ain't too sure.

Cali and Coco 100%. Cali would be Sans and Coco would be Papyrus.

Alr that's all I have for now-

Bai bai. :)

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