Random and weird cannon heads

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We all know Georgia's 2001 flag sucked ass right? Well, I like to think Florida likes printing a copy of what it looked like at putting it on his door. Georgia finds it and responds with by doing the following. Snatches it off his door, rips it up, takes all the bits, puts it in a blender, blends it, pours it in a cup, tosses it out a window, walks outside and picks up all the remains, goes to his nearest junkyard, tosses it in, goes home. Just to express how much he hates it.

Meanwhile, when he had that as his flag for like two years I think, he hated himself. More than usual, and other states kept trying to tell him it was fine and there's no need to be so down. They were lying of course but ya know-

Florida speaks a the language of memes

N.J = Joe Bartolozzi (I dunno how many people will get this but I am correct.)

N.Y has licked a pole in the winter and regretted it almost immediately after.

Nebraska loses stuff a lot and the whole midwest sets everything aside to help their local dumbass.

Every time state does pushups Bandit runs in and sits on their back.

Dallas always wears cowboy hats that are too big for him. Specifically because when he first met Savannah his hat kept falling over his eyes and the older city said it was adorable. He refuses to answer anyone who asks why his hats are too big because he doesn't want to admit how much of a simp he is. Savannah still thinks it's cute to this day.

Alaska likes Ice Cream. :)

Atlanta used to come home with a bunch of gifts when she was younger by boys who also liked her. Same for Albany but instead of thinking it was cute like Geo did, N.Y just wanted them dead.

Texas is very picky about a lot of things. Mostly clothing, he refuses to wear plaid or leggings. Plaid because it reminds him of Cali and leggings because he thinks they make his butt too big. And he doesn't like that-

PA gets very angry when the subject of food is brought up. Especially if someone brings home a Philly Cheese Steak that wasn't made in Philly. You may not see the sun tomorrow if you do that.

N.Y is highly addicted to Apple Pies and makes sure that it is his first meal (yes he considers them meals) every New Year. It runs in the family.

He also won't eat any other pie that isn't apple.

Coco has strange dreams. For instance, one day he could wake up with spaghetti hands and his boyfriend Connecticut is all of a sudden a talking acorn.

Florida has a gator onesie he wears to sleep. Yes, it has a tail.

Mississippi is scared of heights but climbed a really tall peach tree when he was younger so Alabama and Texas would stop calling him a chicken. He ended up there for hours because the other two states were too scared to get Georgia's help because they could get in trouble. The whole time he was clinging to the bark and crying. He was only able to get down when Geo had arrived due to not seeing any of them in a bit and getting worried.

Emma loves sweets but won't eat as much as she likes because she still is insecure about her weight. Meanwhile, IDC carries them around all the time for her and her brother if they ever want any.

The Satanic Temple haunts Texas's dreams and that is her biggest flex.

Alaska's worst fear is a moose. Obvious reasons behind that-

He does hug bears tho.

Utah is scared of bugs so his wife always has to kill them.

Miami was turned into a toad once because he kept bothering Savannah and Boston when they were chatting about magic. He stayed like that for a while and was upset-

Houston eats orange peels to spite God and Florida who cries every time he does it.

N.Y drinks black coffee.

Cali has a lot of bears and Disney-themed clothing with his hipster stuff.

He also has a huge stuffed bear that sits on his bed. He calls them honey.

Indiana is scared of bees because one stung him as a kid when he was trying to be nice to it. Michigan cursed out the corpse of the bee with Illinois, while Ohio and Wisconsin tried comforting Indiana.

Flint hates everyone and makes it known.

Michigan also likes to refer to Flint as Flint and steel. He thinks it's funny while his son hates it. But no one cared-

Detroit loves scaring people.

Oklahoma has memorized all of the Outsiders word for word.

Kansas and Missouri used to be friends but just stopped. (I haven't decided how yet-)

Montana's guilty pleasure was watching Hannah Montana. No one ever found out about it tho.

Idaho loves randomly giving his friends baked potatoes he made. And they are always good.

Every state can agree on one thing. Pigstep is the best Minecraft disk.

Bai bai :)

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