Chapter 100

Depuis le début

Edwin had been quite busy as well. He had been contacted by so many modeling agencies as soon as he danced in Aiden's music video with the rest of the Encroachers a few years back. He didn't really want to accept their offers, being quite nervous and panicking about 'I don't know shit about modeling, Aiden. Stop saying I should call them back. I'll just make a joke of myself.' But in the end, the singer was successful with his constant praises and sweet words of reassurance that he was going to be perfect and it was just posing for pictures and nothing more.

Edwin's modeling contract wasn't one that required him to do runways and such, it was just about posters and commercials. But soon, his face and body, and the whole aura of him attracted quite a lot of attention from the media, and his email was flooded with offers. So much so that they had to ask Luis to manage him as well as Aiden.

"You can sleep as much as you want. You're free for a whole week, anyway." Aiden kissed the back of the younger's hand as they walked to the door of their apartment.


A sudden wave of screaming, clapping, and whistling attacked them as soon as they step foot inside. Aiden was frozen on the spot for a few seconds, eyes wide, as he just observed what was happening.

Everyone was there. Their group of friends with their partners and their kids and pets, Dr. Chad and Lucas, Hugo and his boyfriend Dylan, Patrick and Hyo, and a number of other celebrities that Aiden was friends with, Vincent and Christian — they way came back to town two years back and Vin started doing music again while Christian worked at Aiden's label as a model along with Edwin now. Yes, of course Aiden used his ethereal boyfriend as a model in his company, what about it!? — Edwin's parents, Luis, and a few of the company staff they were close to, Dr. Abrahams, (although Edwin still didn't like the guy very much and became jealous whenever he was around but he was Aiden's friend so he had to suck it up for the night and invite him), Kurt, — Edwin made up with him a year ago at fucking last when he was visiting the place his sister loved and saw the other man there as well and they started hanging out more whenever they had free time which wasn't very often really — and at last... Aiden's stepfather. His mother passed away a year ago while he was on tour, and he didn't really feel anything about it. He just wished he had the chance to say goodbye and that he never hated her, but just got disappointed in her repeatedly until he didn't care anymore. But the past was in the past, and now Mr. Evans was a permanent member of their get-togethers with Max and his boyfriend, Joshua.

"What is this?!" He asked laughing as he looked back at Edwin, who didn't look sleepy at all anymore.

"HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!" His beautiful black-haired lover shouted as he lifted his arms in the air dramatically, causing everyone to giggle. A second later, all the people present started singing him the happy birthday song as he was pushed inside by Edwin, since he was too shocked to move, apparently.

"Make a wish, baby." The taller said as he brought the cake to Aiden's face.

He just stared at him. At how beautiful and perfect Edwin was. He was searching for something to wish for, but he couldn't find anything. He had everything he could ever want and more, all collected in this one man standing in front of him with that bright smile and big eyes that were looking at him with so much love.

"What should I wish for when I already got you?" He said and leaned in to kiss those inviting delicious lips, not really caring about the possibility of catching on fire while doing so.

'Ew's, 'get a room's, and 'there are children here's echoed in the living room but the laughter that followed showed that no one was really disgusted by the kiss and they were actually admiring these two love-birds whose love only seemed to get deeper.

He loved it. He loved him. If all the shit he had gone through was necessary for him to end up with this gorgeous human, he loved it all. If there was a next life, he wanted to fall in love with Edwin again and again and again until he would fade into nothingness. Until Edwin would get sick of him and ask him to leave him alone, but he knew that would never happen. He could see in those eyes that the man loved him just as much as he did, if not more.

"I love you for this life and all the lives after." He whispered against the red lips.

"I love you forever and more." Edwin handed the cake to the person next to them, not really knowing or caring who it was, as he circled his arms around his man's neck and kissed him passionately.

The party went on. Edwin was busy playing with the kids cos they just loved him so much and then the sound of the bell attracted all the attention to the front door.

"Are we expecting anyone else?" Aiden asked him.

"Not that I know of." He shook his head, putting Ari down and going to the door.




"Hey, little brother!"

There, at their door, was a girl with lilac hair and a gorgeous smile on her face. She was back.

FALLING | MxM (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant