He thought they were going back, but Aiden seemed to have other plans as they ended up in Paris. There was a Mercedes waiting for them at the airport. Edwin looked at Aiden with confusion and the other just smiled at him and patted his back to get in the car as the driver had already opened the door for them.

Getting in, Edwin looked at Aiden who was texting someone. Pursing his lips, he narrowed his eyes. "You're not texting the guys, are you? I swear if you end up making me look bad..."

Aiden looked up at him with widened eyes. "What? No! Of course not, baby." His voice was so soft, Edwin wanted to melt.

Aiden put his phone back in his pocket and leaned toward Edwin, slid his palm slowly on his cheek, and pecked his lips, letting them linger on each other for a few seconds. Leaning back just a couple of centimeters, Aiden looked into his eyes with so much passion and adoration, it almost made his heart explode. Well, it did explode, but just internally.

The thumb on his cheek started caressing his skin very gently as they kept looking at each other. It was like the time had stopped and they were the only ones in the whole world.

"I love you." His boyfriend said in that sexy, deep voice of his.

Edwin smiled brightly as he closed his fingers around the wrist of the hand that was on his cheek and tilted his head a bit, leaning into the touch. "I love you too."

Their little moment was over as the driver got in the car after having put their stuff in the trunk. "Shall we go?"

Aiden kissed quickly before sitting back and answering the driver with a nod through the mirror. The phone vibrated again and his boyfriend was quick to check it. He smiled at whatever text he got and typed something fast, slipping the device back into his jeans. Edwin raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on it. He was sleepy. He hadn't been able to sleep on the plane, and now the tiredness was catching up to him.

Sinking into the seat a bit, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Aiden must've noticed, as he moved closer to him and told him to lay his head on his shoulder. He did cos it felt way better to sleep on a muscular pillow. His boyfriend intertwined their fingers and caressed the back of his hand with his free one. He had wanted to sleep but he couldn't cos the other's touches were so delicate, he found himself basking in every second of it. And the way his soft lips felt on his skin when Aiden moved their hands up to kiss his? Don't even get him started!

"It's gonna be a bit of a ride. Sleep. I'll wake you up when we're there." The older said, brushing his hair out of his face, which Edwin was thankful for, cos they had been on his nerve but he didn't have the energy to do it himself.

"I can't sleep if you keep kissing and caressing my hand. It feels too good to miss." He said without opening his eyes.

Aiden chuckled and kissed his forehead. "Not my fault you're this delicious. I'm sorry. I'll stop now."

Edwin smiled and copied what the other had done. He kissed Aiden's hand and let the intertwined fingers fall back on his lap before he let himself go into the dreamland.

He woke up to lips whispering his name against the skin of his temple and fingers playing with his earlobe.

"Eddie, we're here."

Opening his eyes and stretching a bit, he looked out of the window. He completely forgot about sleep when he saw the gigantic luxurious hotel they were in front of.

"Come on, let's go."

They got out of the car and an employee came to greet them and take their luggage to their room.

"Welcome, Mr. Evans." The clerk welcomed them with a smile. Edwin could swear he saw hearts pouring out of her eyes as she looked at Aiden giving her their passports for required information.

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