jfhglakhgluhfg so I went to this small tiny diner with my friends today and aaaaaaaa!!!!!! Aiden AND HIS BOYFRIEND WERE THERE!!!! I ALMOST SCREAMEDDDD!!!! THEY ARE SO FREAKING CUTE!!! The guy is taller than Aiden it was sooooooocuuuuuteeeehahahahaha

I assume his boyfriend saw us gushing over them, then he called Aiden over and whispered something in his ear. Aiden turned back and looked at us with a smile and winked. ahjgksjdahg I DIED!!!!! He is sooooo beautiful!! I missed him so much (╥_╥)

We saw them again on our way home and Edwin recognized us!!!!! He pointed at us and told Aiden 'your fans' ajdfahgf why is he so cute!!!

Aiden turned around and laughed and asked us if our meal was delicious! He had this pack of chips in his hand that he was about to open but when he saw us he gave me the pack!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL NEVER EAT IT!!!

ISTG today is this town's lucky day! Everybody is saying they've seen the nation's boyfriends!! My sister and I were hungry so we decided to go to this diner my cousin went for lunch and saw them there. and *screaming loudly* THEY WERE THERE AGAIN!!!! I asked Aiden why they came again and he said Edwin loved the food they served and he hadn't had an appetite because of him lately so they wanted to eat again before leaving.

Aiden is so whipped for him guys! He calls him 'bluewin' (ಥ﹏ಥ) The way they looked at each other was just pure love (ಥ﹏ಥ)

The fans who live in this town recognized the diner and came there and waited outside to see them. There were like 20-30 fans there. Edwin came outside sooner, I guess Aiden stayed back to pay or something. Anyway, he saw us there and went 'oh!' and smiled so brightly (I'll post his smile after this!) Aiden came out and because we were keeping quiet and his eyes can't see anyone other than Edwin apparently!! he didn't see us standing across the street and hugged Edwin's waist but then Edwin leaned over the little table in front of him and pointed at us. Aiden quickly took his hand away (which was honestly so sad because although everyone knows he's gay, he still has to 'act appropriately' in public! I don't know why hugging his bf should be inappropriate!) And then he came closer and shook a couple of our hands and told us to go back home quickly cuz it was getting late!

p.s.: he paid for our meal!!!!! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

A fan asked why Aiden isn't replying to MISMATCH SQUAD's calls and he said he didn't want anything to disturb his time with Edwin! Our baby is whipped (ಥ﹏ಥ)

It's 4 AM and I'm in the subway station cuz I had to stay overnight at work and I was seeing all these posts about Aiden being in town with his boyfriend. I was sooooo upset and jealous cuz he had been literally a street away from where I live and I hadn't been able to see him. Then I hear someone saying 'we need tickets baby' and laughing afterward. I look up to see who is this person who doesn't know they have to have tickets to get in and guess what?! It's THEM! Aiden laughed and left to buy tickets and I got pictures of his boyfriend and honestly? He is the most beautiful person (girls included!!!!) that I have ever seen!!!! They didn't notice me but they were walking hand in hand afterward and I didn't wanna bother them but they are absolutely adorable together! UwU


Aiden: What is this? lol

We traveled to a small town by the sea, thinking no one would know us there but y'all were everywhere! I'm so happy I got to see everyone!

Aiden's reply to someone saying Edwin is beautiful: Right?

Aiden: Damn~ I love Edwin so much!

Aiden's reply to someone asking where Edwin is right now: He's asleep lol

Aiden: Tomorrow we will travel abroad for a couple of days. We couldn't celebrate our anniversary cause I was... ill. I have to make it up to him for all he did for me these four months.

Aiden: MISMATCH guys.... I'm a little upset with them at the moment lmao

Aiden: I hope I got to answer most of you tonight. I love you all. Sleep tight. kisses~



Get me my coffee already, Aiden! He stole my hoodie :(


Ian: Oh no! Hide your hoodies before he claims them all!

Joe: Bro where the hell are y'all!!

Max: That moment when you have no source but fans' pictures to know your brother is alive...

Brad: That looks good on him though.

Finn: ISTG answer your phones or I'm never cooking for you again!


In short, the food wasn't to his liking. He was insulted by the way it tasted!


Finn: See? That's why you should come back so I can cook for him!

Joe: I will ignore you for a year if you keep ignoring me Aiden!

Max: Serves y'all right -_-

Brad: Let's go to Finn's restaurant when you're back.

Ian: I'm hungry :(

(2 days later)


Paris was lovely. Thanks to the fans who gifted us these beautiful teddy bears! We love them ^^ We're on our way back home.


Finn: Imma go buy some first-class ingredients!

Joe: *ignores* meh~

Max: *shows middle finger* gfys

Brad: We'll come there in the evening.

Ian: I miss my koalaaaaaa

FALLING | MxM (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora