"I told you it doesn't hurt anymore. It's not like you cut me or something." He realized that his tone was a bit harsh, nothing like the reassuring one he had attempted to have. He immediately opened his mouth to apologize, but Aiden was quicker as he grabbed the hand again and placed the hundredth kiss of the night on his wrist.

"I know. It's just, I can't stop feeling guilty about it. Doesn't matter that it's okay now. I hurt you and it's still red. I'm so sorry."

Edwin frowned. His head was killing him and he really felt like he was going to throw up at any second, but what bothered him the most was the man's behavior at the moment. It was not okay to feel that amount of guilt for a mere thing like this. He had seen this behavior before in the older. Seeing how the other felt guilty about things that were long in the past or weren't even that big a deal, letting them eat him up from the inside nonstop. And right now, he was just kneeling there by the passenger's seat, staring at the wrist in his hands quietly. Edwin cursed his skin for how fucking delicate and sensitive it was. Why couldn't he have one of those types of skins that would never even get a hickey that easily? Why must his skin get this irritated by a simple grip?! But then again, Aiden had always loved the marks he left on him, so maybe it was a good thing to have this kind of skin? He groaned loudly and grabbed the older's hand.

"Didn't you say the sea awaits? Well, the prince doesn't want to make it wait any longer. Let's go." He let his sassy side take over and got out of the car, making Aiden stand up as well. Boy was he wrong thinking he would be okay after taking that many shots! His head was throbbing violently, and he even got dizzy, only able to stand straight because Aiden was quick to grab him. The older helped him sit on one of the rocks before going to the car and coming back with a paper packet and a bottle of water in his hand.

"Here, I got stuff for hangover and painkiller. Take what you think helps you the best."

Edwin eyed the many bottles and pills in the packet and looked up at the black-haired man standing in front of him, looking a bit worried.

"When did you get these, and why did you get this much? How many people were you gonna help pull through a hangover?" He teased as he took a bottle out and tried to open it, but to no avail. He had no strength whatsoever.

Aiden sighed, took the bottle, and opened it before putting it on the younger's lips.

It was Edwin's turn to sigh as he took back the bottle, "I'm not a kid, Aiden. I can drink it myself." Damn, why was he being so harsh, unlike the usual? The older just hummed and left him there as he started walking closer to the water quietly.

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Edwin woke up first. It was no surprise at this point that they had both fallen asleep during a movie. He looked over at the black-haired muscular man and couldn't help the smile that formed on his face. He looked at his phone. He had a few messages from Chad and Lucas. He decided to open Chad's first.

'Hi Edwin. It's been almost a week already. I can't make the others fill your shifts anymore. Time for you to make up your mind. Whatever you decide, know that I will respect your decision. You have till tomorrow night.'

He knew eventually he had to finally face it. The reality that he no longer liked his job. He didn't have any reason to do it anymore. He'd always done it for one goal and one goal only: to treat his sister. But now he had nothing that could make him happy about doing what he did. Sure, it felt nice helping others get better and all that buzz, but he was never the 'doctor' type of person, although he had got quite accustomed to the role.

He felt helpless and decided he needed some fresh air. He didn't even try to wake the other up. Because, 1. he wanted some alone time to think, and 2. he was finally sleeping and he didn't want to interrupt it. Aiden had problems falling asleep unless he was dead tired and couldn't really help but pass out, and at the times he did, it was rather most likely that he would have nightmares. So he was quite sleep-deprived. One thing they had NOT noticed at the time of his stay at the hospital cos they were giving him too many pills with sleeping effects that would make the other almost unconscious at times.

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