Ian knew nothing would change, that Aiden would only grow more famous. That one meant more busy and less time with him, but he wanted to let himself believe that at some point it would all be okay. He would be back or he himself would be able to deal with all the distance.

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(1 year ago)

Aiden had just come back from a Japan tour before going on a Europe tour right after, having only two days to rest in which he mostly had been unconscious due to the amount of exhaustion. Sure they had a mind blowing sex, and they had cuddled while Aiden told him all the crazy things that had happened behind the cameras while on tour, and sure they were fucking amusing to listen to while being in the arms of the man you loved the most on earth, but the knowledge that he would be gone again for another two months was eating him up. It had been 4 years, and he was just reaching his limit.

Aiden loved him so much, he was sure of it, but he also loved his career just like Ian himself, but he didn't realize why he had to go on so many tours on and on. Why couldn't he be one of those artists that were only touring around their own country, singing ballad songs? Why did he have to become the first ever dancing singer that had become this famous all over the globe? It was his right to want his boyfriend to himself, at least for a whole weekend, being able to walk hand in hand in a mall without being attacked by crazy fans. He just hated celebrity life, and he was drowned in it more each day. Even his name and a picture were out in so many articles a year ago when the paparazzi caught them kissing in an alley.

And then two days later, after a hundred kisses and sincere apologies, Aiden left again. Leaving him there at the doorframe of their shared apartment as he fell to the ground, crying for a long time until Joe came. He said that Aiden had called him and said to go check on him, as he was worried. Ian cried endlessly in Joe's embrace until he fell asleep.

From that day on, they started spending more time together. Joe would pick movies and they would just watch and cheer for different characters. Joe for the superhero, Ian for the villains. They would nearly always end up bickering, but at the end of the movie, they would give each other a bro hug and laugh it off.

And then after a month of spending nearly every second day together, at a night when Ian was alone at home, drinking beyond his limit and crying his eyes out again after a video call with his beloved boyfriend, Joe gave him a surprise visit. Upon seeing him like that, he hugged the older guy tightly. They drank more until they both were wasted and in a crazy situation, without much thought, they started making out.

One thing led to another, and they ended up in bed, the bed he was supposed to share with Aiden, having sex.

The next morning when Ian woke up and saw a naked Joe sleeping next to his own naked body, he felt his stomach turn and he wanted to throw up. Not because of the man next to him, but because of himself. Because of what he had done. Because he had cheated on who he loved with all his heart. He left his own apartment before Joe would wake up, left a message for him to please leave and not visit him for a while.

Of course, he knew Joe would be hurt, but he was hating himself so much that he didn't want to see anyone.

Not going home and staying at a hotel or the company as he couldn't dare to go to his shared place, he started hating Aiden for not being there for him. For having pushed him so far that something like this had happened. He didn't answer the singer's calls anymore or others'.

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When Aiden came back from the tour, he was devastated. Ian hadn't answered his calls or messages for a whole month and no one knew anything. And to add to that, Joe had avoided and ignored him as well. As soon as he landed, he went directly to the company and found Ian thinner than ever, drowned in a mountain of paperwork he usually gave others to deal with. He went to the office without bothering to knock, as he was a little bit angry as to why he was being treated like that.

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