Chapter 116

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I was finally back at New York. I got off the plane to see Vincent. He stared at me. I had my hair done, I was wearing baggy jeans, a shirt that had thug life on it, and Jordan's. He smiled and hugged me. "Hey baby". Vincent said. "Sup". I said. "That's all you got to say to me"? Vincent asked. I smiled and kissed him. We went to the mansion and I saw the guys. "Wassup". I smiled to them. "Finally our girl is back". The twins said. "I ain't even about to stunt I missed y'all". I smiled. Gabe started to cry happy tears. "We missed you to"! Gabe  hugged my waist. So short and adorable yet still older than me. "Ok I'll pay someone 6 whole chicken nuggets to convince Vincent to not let me go to that thing tomorrow". I said. "Commoner food". Damian said. "We'll help for a kiss". The twins both said. "You guys don't even like each other". I said. "I'll kick both your asses". Vincent said. The twins laughed. "You guys are pretty useless to me". I said. "Morti Gabe beat Vincent up". I said. "Wow babe". Vincent said. "Ugh I hate life". I said. "You hit him right"? Damian asked. "It was a fucking reflex"! I defended. "Respect". Jason smiled. Vincent looked at it. "Between the both of you. I hate you more". Vincent said. The twins laughed. "Boss you love us". Jason said. "Yeah". Mason smiled.

"Twins you two on clothes duty I'm not in the mood for a dress though". I said. "We got you". They said. I wrapped my arms around Vincent. "I missed you Vince". I said. He stared at me and blushed. Vincent kissed my cheek. "Y'all I'm deadass tired". I yawned. "We got your size go take a nap". Mason said. "I'll be up in a minute". Vincent said. I nodded. When I woke up Vincent was smiling at me. "Wassup". I mumbled. He kissed me. I was surprised he then got on top of me. "Hold on! Let me get decent damn". I said. "I don't care we can have sex right now". Vincent said running his hands up my inner thighs. I felt my stomach tingle. "Have you just been waiting for me to wake up. Just to have sex"? I mumbled turning away from him. "No not really. But I'm just coincidentally horny". Vincent said. "Alright give me 5 minutes". I mumbled putting the cover over my head.

"You have a minute and 30 seconds". Vincent said laying down. I groaned. A couple hours passed and Vincent traced my chest with his fingers. "Move asshat". I said. He kissed my neck. "Baby I love you so much". Vincent said kissing me. "Is it your French time of the month"? I asked. "Huh"? Vincent asked. "I call it that when you're super horny". I said. Vincent smiled. He kissed my neck. "Vincent I start college tomorrow"! I smiled. "Good for you babe. But you sure you just don't want me to give you a job"? Vincent asked. "Nope". I said. Vincent kissed my neck. "I'mma punch you in the dick". I said. Vincent eyes widen. "Well damn we won't be having babies will we"? Vincent said. "Adoption asshat". I said.

5 years later. "Guys"! I yelled at them to come here. "What"? They asked. "I think I'm pregnant". I said. Vincent fainted. Morti caught him. "What"? Mason asked. "Having you taking a test"? Damian asked. "I've taken 4 all came back positive". I said. "Someone wake that idiot up"! Damian yelled. Jason slapped Vincent. "Ow"! Vincent yelled jumping up. "Your wife is pregnant boss". Jason said. Vincent looked at me. "Are you sure"? Vincent asked. "Nigga yes". I said. Vincent grinned. "Don't look at me like that you ass"! I yelled. His eyes widen. "I'm just so happy"! Vincent yelled with happy tears hugging me. I laughed. "You're something y'know"? I asked. "Guys we're having a baby"! Vincent yelled. They guys smiled. "Well we should get you to a hospital". Gabe said. "You right". I said. "Remember our deal if it's a girl I'm naming her". Vincent said. "Bet". I nodded.

Another year passed and Vincent and I had twins. "Amoli what are you doing"? I asked. She giggled at me. "Where's Koda"? I asked. Yeah I have no idea how to watch kids. Vincent walked in holding Koda. "Looked who wondered off into my office". Vincent smiled kissing Koda's cheek. Vincent picked Amoli up to. "You two are so cute". Vincent said giving them kisses. I laughed. "Babe I got them go fix some bottles please". Vincent said. "Got you". I said. I went to fix there bottle. I couldn't help but smile it seemed like yesterday that I was in Shenking Academy to study and become the best. But along the way, I made great friends and a great husband. "Uncles in the house"! I heard the twins yell. I smiled. "We have presents"! Morti said. "Where are you guys"? Gabe asked. "We just let ourselves in BTW". Damian said. "Guys I'm in here"! I smiled.

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