Chapter 82

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I was walking down the halls. And people were saying hey and stuff to me. This was normal. But I was overhearing something about prom queen. And I heard my and Molly name being brought up. "Maybe Ms. Shenking will win. But (Y/n) has the best chance I heard she helped a lot of people get dates". People were gossiping. I honestly couldn't care about being Queen. But I knew Vincent will be King. I went to the club. "Where have you been"? Vincent asked. "I went on a walk this morning. Why"? I asked. "Just good to know where you were. Have you heard the news you're in the prom queen votes"! Vincent smiled. "Don't care". I shrugged. "And a attitude like that is how you don't get votes". Jason said. "I don't want the votes. I don't want to be voted on. Other girls could be, they're way prettier then I am, I'm ugly as fuck. I prefer to lose by not trying". I said. Vincent glared at me which really scared the shit outta me.

"Don't ever call yourself ugly". He said sternly. "I call it like I see it". I said. Jason took my hand and hit it. "Ow"! I said. "Mason and I told you to stop putting yourself down". Jason said. "I can't help it"! I whined. "Help it"! They all said. "Wow you guys are mean"! I said. "You're mean to yourself". Gabe said. "I can do that, I own myself". I said. Vincent looked at me. "So... On that note, I'm out". I said. "Kiss"? Vincent asked. "I can't hear you over how awesome I am"! I said leaving. The twins followed me. "Same classes remember"? Jason asked. "Yep, I think I need a transfer". I said. "Meanie". Mason said. I sighed. "I have to pee". I said detouring. "Ok we'll meet you in class". They said. I went to the bathroom, a couple of other girls were there. Maybe 7 of them. I went into the stall and peed. I walked out and washed my hands. I heard a familiar voice.

"(Y/n)". It said kinda demanding. Oh Molly. I might as well be nice. "Yeah what's up? I never really congratulated you on becoming Ms. Shenking-". She cut me off. "Cut the shit. I know you don't like me, I don't like you". She said. The girls that were with here smirked. I smiled. "Well that's good". I said. "You're not even beautiful". She said. "Ok". I shrugged and started to dry my hands. "Vincent doesn't love you, y'know". She said. I looked at her. "Shut up". I said. "Oh I think you touched a nerve". A girl said laughing with the others. "If anything he's pitting you. A commoner, not to mention one with your standards". She said. "Listen Molly I don't know why you're saying this. But if you can get to the point, that'll be fucking awesome". I said. "I want you to stay away from Vincent. Stop always being nice to the boys you whore, and stop trying to fucking make me look like a second choice". Molly said.

"Look I'm not breaking up Vincent, I'm nice because it's my fucking job everyone knows that, and if you don't want to be a second choice. Stop feeling like one. I ain't gotta do shit, you aren't any position to threaten me". I said. "Ok, but I can hurt you mentally. Or your friend and parents death already done that enough". She said. I glared at her. "Don't you fucking speak about them you dirty cunt". I growled. "Yeah, physical pain is more than enough". She said. I looked at all the girls in the bathroom they were going to jump me. "Alright. Meet me after school, I can skip the club today. Behind the school. But if you fight me, your Ms. Shenking shit will be over". I said. "Who the fuck said I was. I have 7 black belts right behind". She said. I stared at all of them. I hate rich kids. "Well in the case. Two days from now we'll fight". I said.

"Fine by me". She said. "And I am late for classes. I hope you're happy". I said walking away. A girl splashed water on my clothes making them see through. "Bye"! They all said leaving. "Fuck my life". I mumbled. Well at least my leather jacket is safe at home not wet. I stayed in the bathroom for a couple hours. My clothes drying. "Hello! I'm so sorry if there girls in here"! A voice said. I looked at it was Mason covering his eyes walking in and Jason who was staring at Mason. "Guys"! I said standing up. Mason uncovered his eyes and Jason looked at me. "Your clothes what happened"!? They yelled. I told them. "Don't tell Vincent though". I said. "Um... Why would you fight 7 black belts? Oh my God"! Mason said.

"Do you guys have any extra school clothes"? I asked. "Um at the club". Jason took of his hoodie and so did Mason. I covered my shirt and tied the other hoodie around my waist. We walked to the club. "I can't believe you're being bullied". Mason said. "I have half a mind to fight those girls myself". Jason said. "It's ok". I smiled. I changed clothes when we made it to the club. When lunch time came I talked to Gabe and Morti. "Can you guys teach me some basic martial arts"? I asked. "Um... Sure". Gabe said. The twins explained that situation to them. "Hm... Are you sure you just don't want us to handle it"? Gabe asked. "We're happy to you're our friend". Morti said. "You guys can help me not get my ass kicked to bad". I said. They nodded. Damian and Vincent showed up. Vincent gave me my food. "Hi babe"! Vincent kissed my cheek.

"Vincent I got some stuff to do". I said. "What"? He asked. "Gabe and Morti gonna be teaching me to do some martial arts". I said. "Oh why"? Vincent asked. "Do you think this shirt makes me look fat"? I asked change subject. He didn't even look at my body. "No". He said. By the end of the day gossip spread about the fight. But Molly name was never brought up. So apparently I was picked on by 7 girls. That bitch is smart. I bet she was the one who started the rumor. I went to my locker and there was a note. 'I hope you die you stupid ugly bitch'. I frowned. "Why the face"? A voice asked. Damian. "Oh just another love confession". I said bawling up the paper. "I've heard about the fight". Damian said. "Do... You"? I asked. "The twins told me. I kinda figured though. Are you alright"? Damian asked. He held my hand taking the paper. He read it. He stared at me. "I'm fine". I said. "Who the hell bullies like this"? Damian mumbled. He kissed my cheek. He whispered in my ear. "I can take care of those girls". Damian said. "I'm scared of you. But I don't want anyone to die". I said. "Sad. But what will you do when Vincent finds out"? Damian asked. "Deny and lie". I said. He patted my head.

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