Chapter 66

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Vincent kept following me every where I go. I wasn't surprised by it. "I'm Gucci Vincent". I said. "How are you a product"? Vincent asked confused. "That means I'm fine". I said. "I know, I just. Can I really trust you"? He asked. "If I were you I wouldn't trust me". I joked. Laughing and smiling, when I opened my eyes Vincent had a big grin on his face. "Ok then babe". He said. He grabbed my hand. He raised my sleeves. "Ok it looks better". Vincent said. "Vincent it's Christmas. Go spend time with the guys. I'm fine really". I said. "I just... Can't I spend time with you"? He asked. "Me and the guys"? I asked. He looked at me.

"Sure". He said. I braided my hair. I took his hand. "I want to go to the bar". I said. "Ok". Vincent mumbled. I waited for him to pick a car and drive. "Make two lefts". I said. He nodded and I texted everyone where we we're going to meet up. "Keep going straight". I said. he did. "Next turn right". I said. "Wait where are we going"? Vincent asked. "Keep going straight and bar". I said. "We're not old enough to drink". Vincent said. "I got fake ID's for you guys". I said. "Left". I said. "When did you make those"? He asked. "Been made them". I said. A couple minutes later we were there. We waited for the guys. When they made it I gave all of them there ID's. "Gabe... Um". I gave him my hate. "Don't let them see your face". I said. We successfully got in.

After I yelled at the guy about being mean to short people on Gabe's behalf. I went straight for the drinks. "Vodka and Tequila. Just mix it together". I said. The girl smiled at me. "Rough day"? She asked. "Rough year". I said. "Should I keep them coming"? She asked. "I think you're going to be my new best friend". I laughed. Vincent walked up to me. "Why exactly do you want to spend your Christmas in a bar again"? Vincent asked. "If you and the guys want to leave I'm fine with it. But I'm going to have me a bloody Mary, and a virgin Mary". I said. "God, ok. But I just- don't you want to open presents and be around a cozy fire, watching a cheesy movie like Home Alone or something"? Vincent asked.

"No, not really. That stuff sounds stupid. Except Home Alone that's my shit". I said. Vincent sighed. "Dry Martini". Vincent said. "Vince I told you, if you want to go. Just go". I said. "I don't want to leave you". He said. "I'm fine". I said. "Ok, be careful". He said kissing my cheek. He left along with the other guys. "Your boyfriend"? The bartender asked. "Yeah". I said. "He's wow". She said. "He gets that a lot". I said. "How old are you"? She asked. "21". I lied. "How long you two been together"? She asked. "5 years". I lied drinking the Martini Vincent ordered. "Wow, that's a long time. How did you two meet"? She asked. "At school we didn't get together actually until a couple months after I kissed him". I said.

"Why not as soon"? She asked. "Because he proposed, I got freaked out. I was only 16. He was 17". I said. "Wow sounds like he was really into that kiss". She said. "I was honestly wowed by it, it was my first. But I didn't wanna marry him". I said. "I'm Abby". She said. "(Y/n)". I said. We shook hands. I liked this girl she wasn't a bitch. "My boyfriend is Vincent". I said. "He looks familiar". She said. "How old are you"? I asked. "Honestly I'm 19". She said. "You know how old I am don't you"? I asked. "Somewhere between 16 and 17". She smiled. "Got that from Vincent right? You know his face". I said. "17 year old going to get his family company. But I like you". She said. "Well for now on I don't want our relationship to be built on lies". I said. "Same. My boyfriend kinda wants to be like yours". She said.

"Clingy"? I asked. "Rich". She said. "Don't we all". I laughed. "Hey if he proposed again would you say yes"? She asked. "Not while I'm still this age". I said. "Understandable. But in the world you'll be lucky to get married and not just die boyfriend and girlfriend". Abby said. "He's dead set on getting married. I feel like next year we'll be having the baby talk. I'm going to be like bruh I'm eat dinosaur shape chicken nuggets and drinking Capri Sun juice. You talking about babies. Like let Ninja Turtles go off first". I said. She laughed. "Basically I'm trying to say I'm to young for baby talk. But on the other hand". I said. "He's sexy". She said. "You should see his real personality. Like I know all girls say guys are kind when they first meet them. But this dude, fuck. He's to kind". I said. "Why aren't you with him"? She asked.

"I hate Christmas. He knows that". I said. "Do you hate him"? She asked. "Not today". I said. She yawned. "Sleepy"? I asked. "Yeah I'm kinda a insomniac. I take pills to help me sleep". She said. I stared at her. "What kind of pills"? I asked. She gave me the pills. "Can- can I have some of these"? I asked. "You have trouble sleeping to"? She asked. I nodded. "I have nightmares. Bad ones". I lied. "You can have these I have plenty". She smiled. I took them. A couple hours passed. "Hey". Vincent said. "What"? I asked. "Wow you aren't drunk"? He asked. "I made a friend". I said. "I'd love to meet him later on but its kinda late". Vincent said. "She". I said. "What"? Vincent asked. "It's girl". I said. "Hi I'm Abby". She said. "Oh hi I'm Vincent".  Vincent said. "I hope you're ok. With the nightmares and all". Abby said.

"Yep, bye Abby". I said. We walked out and Vincent stopped me. "Nightmares"? He asked. "Girl code for bad sex". I said. Vincent stared at me. "That's not funny". He said. I laughed. He opened the car door for me. I took two of those sleeping pills before Vincent came. "Hey do you want to do it tonight"? Vincent asked. "Do what"? I asked. "You know". He said kissing me. I smiled kissing him back. "I'm sleepy". I said. "Oh... Ok". Vincent said. He started to drive and I fell asleep.

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